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Actions Issue Parser


Extract useful information from new issues for use in your GitHub Actions.

Getting Started

Simply add this action to any workflow that runs on GitHub Issue created events and it will extract key: value pairs as outputs to be used in subsequent actions.

This parser will replace whitespace and special characters with _, then squash repeating _ down to one, dropping any leading or trailing _

Email of User would become email_of_user

Example Workflow

- id: parser
  uses: jasonmacgowan/parse-issue@v1
- uses: actions/some-action@v1
    foo: ${{}}
    bar: ${{}}

Example Issue

# Welcome

foo: fizz
bar: buzz

Given the workflow and issue above, this action will parse foo and bar with their values and make them available at steps.parser.outputs. In this example, the following would be defined:

  • (with a value of fizz)
  • (with a value of buzz)

The id used is arbitrary, only used to reference the output in another step.

Default Extractor

By default, this Action will extract all key: value pairs that it finds. Duplicate keys will be overridden by the last value found.

Custom Extractors

You can define custom extractors with regular expressions by defining inputs to this action in a specific prefix. All inputs that start with extract_ will be enumerated and made available on outputs based on the value passed in. If you use a capture group, we will assign the first match and ignore the rest


Workflow Issue Result
uses: jasonmacgowan/parse-issue@v1
  extract_username: '<p id="username">(?<username>[^<]+)</p>'
  extract_email: '<p id="email">[email protected]</p>'
# Example Issue
<p id="username">johnsmith</p>
<p id="username">(?<email>[^<]+)</p>
username: johnsmith
email: [email protected]
uses: jasonmacgowan/parse-issue@v1
  extract_awesome: '^(.+) is awesome!$'
# Example Issue
Everything is awesome!
awesome: Everything