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ExpressionEngine with superpowers.

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ExpressionEngine Coilpack

ExpressionEngine Logo

Coilpack is a package that lets you harness the powerful Laravel ecosystem to bring your ExpressionEngine content forward in exciting new ways. Once installed in a standard Laravel application Coilpack loads ExpressionEngine and integrates many core services.


Laravel Logo

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.


Fast: Twig compiles templates down to plain optimized PHP code. The overhead compared to regular PHP code was reduced to the very minimum.

Secure: Twig has a sandbox mode to evaluate untrusted template code. This allows Twig to be used as a template language for applications where users may modify the template design.

Flexible: Twig is powered by a flexible lexer and parser. This allows the developer to define its own custom tags and filters, and create its own DSL.


Bootstrap logo

Bootstrap is the world's most powerful, extensible, and feature-packed frontend toolkit.



DDEV is an open source tool for launching local PHP development environments in minutes.


If you have questions or suggestions about anything showcased in this project please reach out to me on ExpressionEngine Slack.