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jamesmurray7 committed Dec 5, 2022
1 parent 8e31208 commit 7c7dd5f
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Showing 10 changed files with 113 additions and 80 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Package: GMVJM
Package: gmvjoint
Type: Package
Title: Joint models of survival and multivariate longitudinal data
Version: 0.5
Date: 2022-12-02
Version: 0.1
Date: 2022-12-05
Author: James Murray
Maintainer: James Murray <[email protected]>
Description: Fit joint models of survival and multivariate longitudinal data. The longitudinal
Expand All @@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 7.2.2
LazyData: true
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion NAMESPACE
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
useDynLib(GMVJM, .registration=TRUE)
useDynLib(gmvjoint, .registration=TRUE)
importFrom(Rcpp, evalCpp)
importFrom("methods", "el")
importFrom("stats", "Gamma", "as.formula", "binomial", "coef", "cov",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
# GMVJM version 0.1
# gmvjoint version 0.1
* First release
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions R/RcppExports.R
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#' Specifically for obtaining pmf in simulations (since requisite doesn't exist in R).
#' @keywords internal
GP1_pmf_scalar <- function(mu, phi, Y) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_GP1_pmf_scalar`, mu, phi, Y)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_GP1_pmf_scalar`, mu, phi, Y)

#' log-likelihood of Gamma
#' @keywords internal
ll_Gamma <- function(Y, shape, mu) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_ll_Gamma`, Y, shape, mu)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_ll_Gamma`, Y, shape, mu)

#' 'GP1' from Zamani & Ismail (2012)
#' @keywords internal
ll_genpois <- function(eta, phi, Y) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_ll_genpois`, eta, phi, Y)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_ll_genpois`, eta, phi, Y)

#' Survival log-density
#' @keywords internal
logfti <- function(b, S, SS, Fi, Fu, l0i, haz, Delta, gamma_rep, zeta) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_logfti`, b, S, SS, Fi, Fu, l0i, haz, Delta, gamma_rep, zeta)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_logfti`, b, S, SS, Fi, Fu, l0i, haz, Delta, gamma_rep, zeta)

#' The joint density
#' @keywords internal
joint_density <- function(b, Y, X, Z, beta, D, sigma, family, Delta, S, Fi, l0i, SS, Fu, haz, gamma_rep, zeta, beta_inds, b_inds, K) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_joint_density`, b, Y, X, Z, beta, D, sigma, family, Delta, S, Fi, l0i, SS, Fu, haz, gamma_rep, zeta, beta_inds, b_inds, K)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_joint_density`, b, Y, X, Z, beta, D, sigma, family, Delta, S, Fi, l0i, SS, Fu, haz, gamma_rep, zeta, beta_inds, b_inds, K)

#' Quadrature - standard deviation of N(mu, tau^2).
#' @keywords internal
maketau <- function(S, Z) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_maketau`, S, Z)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_maketau`, S, Z)

#' First derivative of the joint density with respect to b.
#' @keywords internal
joint_density_ddb <- function(b, Y, X, Z, beta, D, sigma, family, Delta, S, Fi, l0i, SS, Fu, haz, gamma_rep, zeta, beta_inds, b_inds, K) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_joint_density_ddb`, b, Y, X, Z, beta, D, sigma, family, Delta, S, Fi, l0i, SS, Fu, haz, gamma_rep, zeta, beta_inds, b_inds, K)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_joint_density_ddb`, b, Y, X, Z, beta, D, sigma, family, Delta, S, Fi, l0i, SS, Fu, haz, gamma_rep, zeta, beta_inds, b_inds, K)

#' Create vector of scores on fixed effects.
#' @keywords internal
Sbeta <- function(beta, X, Y, Z, b, sigma, family, beta_inds, K, quad, tau, w, v) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_Sbeta`, beta, X, Y, Z, b, sigma, family, beta_inds, K, quad, tau, w, v)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_Sbeta`, beta, X, Y, Z, b, sigma, family, beta_inds, K, quad, tau, w, v)

#' Hessian matrix on fixed effects.
#' @keywords internal
Hbeta <- function(beta, X, Y, Z, b, sigma, family, beta_inds, K, quad, tau, w, v) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_Hbeta`, beta, X, Y, Z, b, sigma, family, beta_inds, K, quad, tau, w, v)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_Hbeta`, beta, X, Y, Z, b, sigma, family, beta_inds, K, quad, tau, w, v)

#' Update for residual variance (sigma for gaussian family)
#' @keywords internal
vare_update <- function(X, Y, Z, b, beta, tau, w, v) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_vare_update`, X, Y, Z, b, beta, tau, w, v)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_vare_update`, X, Y, Z, b, beta, tau, w, v)

#' Update for dispersion parameter (sigma for \code{"genpois"} family)
#' @keywords internal
phi_update <- function(b, X, Y, Z, beta, phi, w, v, tau) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_phi_update`, b, X, Y, Z, beta, phi, w, v, tau)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_phi_update`, b, X, Y, Z, beta, phi, w, v, tau)

#' Score vector for survival parameters.
#' @keywords internal
Sgammazeta <- function(gammazeta, b, Sigma, S, SS, Fu, Fi, haz, Delta, w, v, b_inds, K, q, eps) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_Sgammazeta`, gammazeta, b, Sigma, S, SS, Fu, Fi, haz, Delta, w, v, b_inds, K, q, eps)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_Sgammazeta`, gammazeta, b, Sigma, S, SS, Fu, Fi, haz, Delta, w, v, b_inds, K, q, eps)

#' Hessian matrix for survival parameters.
#' @keywords internal
Hgammazeta <- function(gammazeta, b, Sigma, S, SS, Fu, Fi, haz, Delta, w, v, b_inds, K, q, eps) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_Hgammazeta`, gammazeta, b, Sigma, S, SS, Fu, Fi, haz, Delta, w, v, b_inds, K, q, eps)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_Hgammazeta`, gammazeta, b, Sigma, S, SS, Fu, Fi, haz, Delta, w, v, b_inds, K, q, eps)

#' Update to the baseline hazard
#' @keywords internal
lambdaUpdate <- function(survtimes, ft, gamma, gamma_rep, zeta, S, Sigma, b, w, v, b_inds, K, q) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_lambdaUpdate`, survtimes, ft, gamma, gamma_rep, zeta, S, Sigma, b, w, v, b_inds, K, q)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_lambdaUpdate`, survtimes, ft, gamma, gamma_rep, zeta, S, Sigma, b, w, v, b_inds, K, q)

#' Second derivative of joint density wrt b
#' @keywords internal
joint_density_sdb <- function(b, Y, X, Z, beta, D, sigma, family, Delta, S, Fi, l0i, SS, Fu, haz, gamma_rep, zeta, beta_inds, b_inds, K, eps) {
.Call(`_GMVJM_joint_density_sdb`, b, Y, X, Z, beta, D, sigma, family, Delta, S, Fi, l0i, SS, Fu, haz, gamma_rep, zeta, beta_inds, b_inds, K, eps)
.Call(`_gmvjoint_joint_density_sdb`, b, Y, X, Z, beta, D, sigma, family, Delta, S, Fi, l0i, SS, Fu, haz, gamma_rep, zeta, beta_inds, b_inds, K, eps)

45 changes: 39 additions & 6 deletions
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@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
# `gmvjoint`

## What is `GMVJM`?
## What is `gmvjoint`?

* "**G**eneralised"
* **M**ulti**v**ariate
* **J**oint **M**odels.
* "**g**eneralised"
* **m**ulti**v**ariate
* **Joint** models.

GMVJM allows the user to fit joint models of survival and multivariate longitudinal data, where the
`gmvjoint` allows the user to fit joint models of survival and multivariate longitudinal data, where the
longitudinal sub-models are specified by generalised linear mixed models (GLMMs). The joint models
are fit via maximum likelihood using an approximate EM algorithm first proposed by Bernhardt *et
al*. (2015). The GLMMs are specified using the same syntax as for package `glmmTMB` (Brooks *et
al*., 2017). The joint models themselves are then the flexible extensions to those in e.g.
Wulfoshn and Tsiatis (1997). The user is able to simulate data under many different response

Currently, five families can be fit: Gaussian; Poisson; binomial; Gamma and generalised Poisson.

## To-do list
The package in current incantation is relatively skeletal, as such not a lot of post-hoc
anaylses on fitted joint models is possible. As such, an immediate to-do list currently looks like
Expand All @@ -26,6 +28,37 @@ which just needs to be ported over.
No promises are made w.r.t timescale of these being implemented: Currently I am a PhD
student and little cache is awarded for production or maintenance of R packages!

## Example
To fit a joint model, we first need to specify the longitudinal and survival sub-models.

The longitudinal sub-model **must** be a list which contains the specification of the longitudinal process along with its random effects structure
in the same syntax as a [glmmTMB]( model (which itself is the same as the widely-used `lme4`).
As an example, suppose we want to fit a trivariate model on the oft-used PBC data, with a linear time-drug interaction term on albumin, a spline term on
(logged) serum bilirubin and a linear fit on spiders, we specify
PBC$serBilir <- log(PBC$serBilir)
long.formulas <- list(
albumin ~ drug * time + (1 + time|id),
serBilir ~ drug * splines::ns(time, 3) + (1 + splines::ns(time, 3)|id),
spiders ~ drug * time + (1|id)
where we note interactions and spline-time fits are possible. Currently, transformations on variables (e.g. `log(Y)`) must be done *before* this setup of formulae.

The survival sub-model must be set-up using `Surv()` from the [survival]( package e.g.
surv.formula <- Surv(survtime, status) ~ drug
Currently interaction terms in the survival sub-model specification are unsupported.

Now we can do the joint model call through the main workhorse function `joint`. This notably take a *list* of family arguments which **must** match-up in the desired order as the longitudinal process
list. We call our `fit` via
fit <- joint(long.formulas = long.formulas, surv.formula = surv.formula, data = PBC,
family = list("gaussian", "gaussian", "binomial"))
where extra control arguments are documented in `?joint`.

## References

Bernhardt PW, Zhang D and Wang HJ. A fast EM Algorithm for Fitting Joint Models of a Binary
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File renamed without changes.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions man/GMVJM-package.Rd → man/gmvjoint-package.Rd
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@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
GMVJM allows the user to fit joint models of survival and multivariate longitudinal data. The
gmvjoint allows the user to fit joint models of survival and multivariate longitudinal data. The
longitudinal data is specified by generalised linear mixed models (GLMMs). The joint models
are fit via maximum likelihood using an approximate EM algorithm first proposed by Bernhardt et
al. (2015). The GLMMs are specified using the same syntax as for package \code{glmmTMB} Brooks et
Expand All @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ types.


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