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A Go-based microservices demo with Docker Swarm and Kubernetes deployment

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A comprehensive example of building a web application with microservices architecture using Go.


This repository serves as an example of a microservices-oriented application. Microservices are a contemporary architectural choice that breaks down applications into loosely coupled, independently deployable, and maintainable services. This project demonstrates how multiple services can effectively interact and accomplish various tasks.


  • Front End Service: Displays web pages.
  • Authentication Service: Manages user authentication using a Postgres database.
  • Logging Service: Logs events and stores them in a MongoDB database.
  • Listener Service: Receives and processes messages from RabbitMQ.
  • Broker Service: Optional gateway for the entire microservices cluster.
  • Mail Service: Processes JSON payloads, formats them as emails, and sends them.

All the services mentioned above communicate with each other and a front-end application through multiple mechanisms: REST API, RPC, gRPC, and AMQP.

The choice of Go for these services is due to its efficiency and capabilities in building distributed web applications.

Moreover, this project also provides guidance on deploying the application to Docker Swarm and Kubernetes, ensuring scalability and high availability.


Live demonstration of the cluster running on Caddy using Docker Swarm:

Installation & Usage

Clone the Repository

git clone [email protected]:ivnvxd/go-micro.git

🐳 Using Docker-Compose

This is the easiest way to run the application. It will build all the services and launch them in Docker containers.

make up_build # Build all microservices and start the app
make schema   # Initialize schema in PostgreSQL and populate with test data

Access the application at: http://localhost/

To stop the application use make down.

🐝 Deploying with Docker Swarm

Docker Swarm is a container orchestration tool built into Docker Engine. It allows deploying and managing a cluster of Docker nodes. The images for all services are available on Docker Hub.

docker swarm init                        # Initialize Docker Swarm
docker stack deploy -c swarm.yml myapp   # Deploy all services to the cluster

The application will be available at: http://localhost/

To stop the application use docker stack rm myapp && docker swarm leave --force.

☸️ Running on Kubernetes with Minikube

This is a more advanced way to run the application. It will deploy the application to a local Kubernetes cluster using Minikube. The images for all services are available on Docker Hub.

The local Postgres instance is used for the user database.

docker-compose -f postgres.yml up -d      # Launch the local Postgres instance
minikube start                            # Initialize the local Kubernetes cluster
minikube addons enable ingress            # Activate Ingress addon
kubectl apply -f k8s                      # Deploy all services to the cluster
minikube tunnel                           # Expose application to the web

Visit the app here:

To stop the application use kubectl delete -f k8s && minikube stop && docker-compose -f postgres.yml down.


  • For PostgreSQL User Database:
echo "SELECT * FROM public.users;" | docker exec -i go-micro-postgres-1 psql -U postgres -d users
  • To run unit tests:
make test

:octocat: This is the training project of the "Working with Microservices in Go" course available on Udemy

GitHub @ivnvxd  ·  LinkedIn @Andrey Ivanov