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A Mill Module for publishing into the GitHub Maven Repository


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Publish module for GitHub maven repo / Mill

.github/workflows/release.yml Release .github/workflows/stage.yml

The code was taken from the conntrib/Gitlab. :3

Installation OwO

Add this to youw if you want to use the watest vewsion from Mavewn Centwal OwO:

import $ivy.`com.ivmoreau::mill-github::<lastest version>`

otherwise, u can use Jitpack OwO as fowwows OwO in the next section OwO.

Does this even work? Owo

suwpwisingwy yes, i-it does!=. the runs away onwy thing you nyeed t-to do is t-to impowt the x3 dependecy and set the x3 ENV vawiabwes.

This is an exampwe of use:

import coursierapi.MavenRepository

  interp.repositories() ++ Seq(MavenRepository.of(


import $ivy.`com.ivmoreau.githubmillscala::mill-github::9dcd1b8a48`

import mill._
import scalalib._
import mill.scalalib.publish._

import com.ivmoreau.millgithub.GitHubPublishModule
import com.ivmoreau.millgithub.ProjectRepository

object ex extends ScalaModule with GitHubPublishModule {
  override def scalaVersion = "3.2.2"

  override def publishRepository: ProjectRepository = ProjectRepository("ivanmoreau", "examplemillgithub")

  override def pomSettings: T[PomSettings] = PomSettings(
    organization = "com.ivmoreau",
    description = "Example of mill-github",
    url = "",
    licenses = Seq(
    versionControl = VersionControl.github("ivanmoreau","examplemillgithub"),
    developers = Seq(
        "Ivan Molina Rebolledo",
        url = ""

  override def publishVersion: T[String] = "0.0.1"

You have GITHUB_TOKEN and GITHUB_USERNAME fow wocaw/devewopment

You have CI_GITHUB_TOKEN runs away fow github sweats CI. YOu nyeed t-to set up this vawiabwe in CI tho.

Aftew this, the x3 u-usage is simiwiaw ÚwÚ t-to Gitwab Contwib Moduwe

You extend :3 GitHubPubwishModuwe in youw and fiww the x3 missing fiewds.

Then t-to pubwish use somehting wike:

./mill ex.publishGitHub

But this README is unreadable and unprofessional how you dare!!!???

Looks funny uwu :3. I bet someone is going to use this in production anyways Uwu.


Awways wewcome OwO. Pwease open an issue befowe making a puww wequest, or don't ÙwÚ, it's not required but it's nice to know what's going on OwO.

But why this is not in Maven Centwal? UwU

It is! :3 It's the fwist section OwO.


The one from the mill repo owo


A Mill Module for publishing into the GitHub Maven Repository





