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A template language for Roc with compile time validation and tag unions


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Roc Template Language (RTL)

A template language for Roc with compile time validation and tag unions. RTL can be used with HTML or any other textual content type.

First write a template like hello.rtl:

<p>Hello, {{}}!</p>

    {|list number : model.numbers |}
        <li>{{Num.toStr number}}</li>

{|if model.isSubscribed |}
    <a href="/subscription">Subscription</a>
    <a href="/signup">Sign up</a>

Then run rtl in the directory containing hello.rtl to generate Pages.roc.

Now you can call the generated function

Pages.hello {
        name: "World",
        numbers: [1, 2, 3],
        isSubscribed: Bool.true,

to generate your HTML!

<p>Hello, World!</p>


<a href="/subscription">Subscription</a>


Right now RTL must be built locally. For a quick start, run these commands to build RTL and place it in /usr/local/bin.

roc build rtl-main/rtl.roc --optimize
sudo mv rtl-main/rtl /usr/local/bin
rm -r rtl-main
rtl --help

How It Works

Running rtl in a directory containing .rtl templates generates a file called Pages.roc which exposes a roc function for each .rtl file. Each function accepts a single argument called model which can be any type, but will normally be a record.

RTL supports inserting values, conditionally including content, expanding over lists, and pattern matching with when expressions. These constructs all accept normal Roc expressions so there is no need to learn a different set of primitives.

The generated file, Pages.roc, becomes a normal part of your Roc project, so you get type checking right out of the box, for free.

Inserting Values

To interpolate a value into the document, use double curly brackets:

{{ model.firstName }}

The value between the brackets must be a Str, so conversions may be necessary:

{{ 2 |> Num.toStr }}

HTML in the interpolated string will be escaped to prevent security issues like XSS.


Generate a list of values by specifying a pattern for a list element and the list to be expanded over.

{|list paragraph : model.paragraphs |}
    <p>{{ paragraph }}</p>

The pattern can be any normal Roc pattern so things like this are also valid:

{|list (x,y) : [(1,2),(3,4)] |}
    <p>X: {{ x |> Num.toStr }}, Y: {{ y |> Num.toStr }}</p>


Use when is expressions like this:

{|when x |}
    {|is Ok y |} The result was ok!
    {|is Err _ |} The result was an error!


Conditionally include content like this:

{|if model.x < model.y |}
    Conditional content here

Or with an else block:

{|if model.x < model.y |}
    Conditional content here
    Other content

Raw Interpolation

If it is necessary to insert content without escaping HTML, use triple brackets.

{{{ model.dynamicHtml }}}

This is useful for generating content types other than HTML or combining multiple templates into one final HTML output.


You can achieve a pretty decent "hot reloading" experience with a command like this:

fswatch -o . -e ".*" -i "\\.rtl$" | xargs -n1 -I{} sh -c 'lsof -ti tcp:8000 | xargs kill -9 && rtl && roc server.roc &'


  • Allow more control for whitespace around RTL tags.
  • Allow RTL tags to be escaped.
  • Look into real hot code reloading.
  • Potentially update the generated code to use buffer passing style to avoid unnecessary copies.
  • Benchmark runtime performance against other template languages.
  • Potentially add error messages for incomplete tags.


A template language for Roc with compile time validation and tag unions






