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Installer for IOpipe

Applies the IOpipe layers to functions in your AWS account. Uses credentials as configured for the AWS CLI.

Runtimes supported

  • Node.js 10
  • Java 8
  • Python 2.7
  • Python 3.6

Installation & configuration

On your system CLI:

pip3 install iopipe-cli

This tool assumes the AWS cli tool is configured correctly. Install and configure the AWS CLI as such:

pip3 install awscli --upgrade --user

Run the awscli configuration wizard:

aws configure

Refer to the AWS CLI User Guide for advanced configuration options and support for the aws cli tool.

Installing IOpipe for functions with iopipe

The easiest way to update a function is to update it with the AWS Lambda API:

iopipe lambda install --function <name or arn> --token <IOPIPE_TOKEN>

The token may also be passed by the CLI's environment variable, IOPIPE_TOKEN.

If your Lambda has been deployed by Cloudformation, this method will cause stack drift.


MacOS X: cannot find iopipe after installation

Make sure your python script bin directory is included in your path.

The documentation for the AWS cli covers this topic and describes a solution.

Error: Invalid value for "--token" / "-t": token invalid.

Your token may be malformed or corrupted. Try copying-and-pasting again, or using quotations on the cli.

Some users also report that they have the incorrect jwt library installed on their system. This project uses the popular pyjwt module installable from PyPi.

Error: Unknown parameter in input: "Layers", must be one of: FunctionName, Role, Handler, Description, Timeout, MemorySize, VpcConfig, Environment, Runtime, DeadLetterConfig, KMSKeyArn, TracingConfig, RevisionId

If you encounter this error, please update your boto3 dependency to the latest version.