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npm install vue-easysession --save

To install the plugin, do the following:

import VueEasySession from 'vue-easysession'

Now you can use it in your components with the $session property.


VueSession can be started with some options that will change its behavior.

  • persist A Boolean value to determine whether the data stored in the session may persist between tabs and browser instances. Defaults to false. Optional

  • keySession A String value to determine the key of the current Vue session. Defaults is vue-session-key. Optional

  • expireSessionCallback is event handler that is execute when the expiration is success. Default is undefined. Optional

Pass the options in the use method:

var options = {
    persist: true,
    keySession: 'myKeySession',
    expireSessionCallback: function () {
        window.location.href = '/'

Vue.use(VueEasySession.install, options)

Reference Vue instance this.$session .vue

  • this.$session.getAll(), returns all data stored in the Session.

  • this.$session.set(key,value), sets a single value to the Session.

  • this.$session.get(key), returns the value attributed to the given key.

  • this.$session.start(exp : milliseconds), initializes a session with a 'session-id'. If you attempt to save a value without having started a new session, the plugin will automatically start a new session. the parameter exp is optional and indicate the time of expiration the session(millisecond)

  • this.$session.exists(), checks whether a session has been initialized or not.

  • this.$session.has(key), checks whether the key exists in the Session

  • this.$session.remove(key), removes the given key from the Session

  • this.$session.clear(), clear all keys in the Session, except for 'session-id', keeping the Session alive

  • this.$session.destroy(), destroys the Session

  • this.$, returns the 'session-id'

  • this.$session.renew(session_id), allows a user to renew a previous session by manually inputting the session_id

Reference the instance VueEasySession

You can use the session in others scripts file

import VueEasySession from 'vue-easysession'
var session = VueEasySession.getInstance()
if(session.exists()) {

you can add the options parameters too in the VueEasySession.getInstance(options)


Your login method could look like this:

export default {
    name: 'login',
    methods: {
        login: function () {
          this.$'URL', {
            password: this.password,
            username: this.username
          }).then(function (response) {
            if (response.status === 200 && 'token' in response.body) {
              this.$session.set('jwt', response.body.token)
              Vue.http.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + response.body.token
          }, function (err) {
            console.log('err', err)

In your logged-in area, you can check whether or not a session is started and destroy it when the user wants to logout:

export default {
  name: 'panel',
  data () {
    return { }
  beforeCreate: function () {
    if (!this.$session.exists()) {
  methods: {
    logout: function () {

This library is based for the repository vue-session of victorsferreira