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A pipeline to select the best K (number of clusters) for fastPHASE imputation and phasing.

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How to Select K in fastPHASE

Since March, 2018 the scripts from this workflow are available as imputeqc R package. You can continue to read this page and apply the solution proposed. I advice to turn to imputeqc, since it is updated and more convinient.


The repo contains the following files:

  • make_test_files.R generates fastPHASE input files with artificially missing genotypes

  • helpers.R has functions for make_test.files.R

  • is what you are reading

Workflow to select the best K

  1. Prepare a file in the format of fastPHASE input file (*.inp). It can be done with Plink tool. Alleles can be coded by any character including numbers, but missing ones are coded as ?.

  2. Generate test files with make_test_files.R

  3. Impute the missing genotypes in each test files with fastPHASE. Apply different K for each set of test files.

  4. Estimate the imputation quality with EstimateErrors() R function and chose K that minimizes the imputation error.

The usage of make_test_files.R

  1. Download make_test_files.R and halpers.R files.

  2. Let make_test_files.R to be executable. Run in command line:

chmod +x make_test_files.R
  1. Check that you have the following R packages installed:
  1. Run make_test_files.R to generate n test files of fastPHASE format (*.inp), each having p proportion of genotypes randomly masked.

Let chr1.inp to contain the genotypes of a population from the chromosome one.

The following command will result in 5 test files with 10% percent of genotypes missed.

./make_test_files.R chr1.inp 

The default parameters (-n 5 -p 0.1 -o test/test) are applied here. Five test files are named test.m{1:5}.inp and saved in /test subdirectory that script created.

The following command will produce 3 test files with 5% of genotypes masked. The test files chr1.m{1:3}.inp are saved in /masked subdirectory.

./make_test_files.R -n 3 -p 0.05 -o masked/chr1 chr1.inp 

If there are missing genotypes before running the script, the actual proportion of missing genotypes will be higher, since mask adds missing genotypes to those that exist in original data set.

The usage of fastPHASE tool

According to fastPHASE manual, we can adjust the following option arguments:

  • -T, the number of seeds to launch EM cycles
  • -C, the number of EM cycles
  • -K, the number of haplotype clusters

There are some flags I advice to apply:

  • -H-1, to turn off the phasing, since we need only imputation
  • -n, to tell that we have simplified input, since make_test_files.R produces that sort of files
  • -Z, to simplify the format of output files

I recommend to save the results of imputation in a such way that each K has its own folder (/k10, /k15, etc. )

An example of command for imputation:

for i in $(seq 1 5); do fastPHASE -T10 -C25 -K10 -H-1 -n -Z -ok10/chr1.m$i masked/chr1.m$i.inp; done

Here we assume that 5 test files (chr1.m{1:5}.inp) are in folder /masked.

The code will produce 5 chr1.m{1:5}_genotypes.out files, where chr1 is your identifier, m{1:5} is added by the above command, and _genotypes.out is given by fastPHASE tool. The imputed data sets are saved in /k10 subdirectory.

The above code helps us to agree input/output from different stages.

Be aware that imputation is time consuming stage. Upon accomplishing, we can estimate the quality of imputation.

The usage of EstimateErrors()

There are several metrics to estimate the imputation quality of genotypes (Chan et al, 2016). So far I applied the proportion of correctly imputed genotypes. To compute it, use EstimateErrors() function. It returns a data frame with three columns: "alleles", "genotypes", and "K". The first two contains the errors, the third one - K (number of clusters).

The error is counted as 1 - accuracy, where accuracy is a proportion of correctly imputed genotypes or alleles. By correctly imputed genotype we mean that both alleles coincided with the original ones. The function returns the values for one set of test files.

# Source functions

# Count errors for one set of test files
errors <- EstimateErrors(origin = "chr1.inp",
                         mask = "masks.RDS", 
                         imputed = imputed,
                         K = 15)

In this code we assume that chr1.inp has original genotypes, masks.RDS contains the list of all masks (matrices) generated, and imputed is a vector with the full paths to *_genotypes.out produced by fastPHASE. The order of files in imputed is the same as the order of masks applied upstream. All test files were treated with fastPHASE applying K = 15.


  1. Scheet P, Stephens M. A Fast and Flexible Statistical Model for Large-Scale Population Genotype Data: Applications to Inferring Missing Genotypes and Haplotypic Phase. American Journal of Human Genetics. 2006;78(4):629-644. PubMed

  2. fastPHASE software. link

  3. fastPHASE 1.4 manual. download

  4. Plink tool. link

  5. Chan AW, Hamblin MT, Jannink J-L. Evaluating Imputation Algorithms for Low-Depth Genotyping-By-Sequencing (GBS) Data. Feltus FA, ed. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(8):e0160733. PubMed


Gennady Khvorykh. inzilico/kselection v1.0. (2017). GitHub repository, doi:10.5281/zenodo.1173276



Gennady Khvorykh, a bioinformatician,

Interested in contributing to the project? Suggestions, questions, and comments are open! Feel free to drop me the message.


A pipeline to select the best K (number of clusters) for fastPHASE imputation and phasing.







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