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Releases: intersystems-community/webterminal

WebTerminal v4.8.0

09 Aug 09:53
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Latest features + IRIS support. Please use refer to the project page for future downloads.

Caché WEB Terminal v3.2.2

06 Jan 20:09
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This release comes with:

  1. Fix to connection issue when using default port 80 or 443;
  2. Core refactoring;
  3. /rename feature to differ terminal instances (browser tabs);
  4. Authorization minor changes.

If you are using CWT v3.1.4 or higher, just run /update command to get this release.

This release is not the latest one. Please, see downloads here.

Caché WEB Terminal v3.1.4

13 Dec 19:14
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This release brings these major changes:

  • Static web (CSP, CSS, JS, etc) removed and replaced by RESTful application available at http://<server>/terminal/;
  • No need to write into CACHELIB anymore: place Caché Web Terminal to any namespace;
  • Finally fixed terminal's /update command: any future releases won't be missed! (please, update to v3.1.4 manually);
  • Other minor fixes.

Install guide

Just import XML into any namespace (user must have system access) and visit <host>/terminal/ in your browser.

Update guide (from versions under 3.*)

  • Delete /csp/sys/webterminal CSP application manually;
  • Delete system %WebTerminal package;
  • Go through the install guide above;

Caché WEB terminal v2.0.0-beta.7

30 Apr 19:20
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Latest BETA release.

Caché WEB Terminal v1.0

01 May 12:20
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This is BETA release of Caché WEB Terminal application. You can download and import it from project page.

Tell about any bugs you find by opening an issues.
