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iptools-jquery-inview Build Status

Viewport Monitoring Plugin


Detect if element is in viewport and call events on enter and exit.


  • jQuery 1.11.3 or greater

Example with callbacks

<div class="element"></div>

<script src="src/iptools-jquery-inview.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
      throttle: 100, // throttles scroll event
      delay: 500, // delay until the below event functions are fired
      inViewClass: 'in-viewport',
      allInViewClass: 'all-in-viewport',
      onAppear: function() {
        alert('Element enters viewport.');
      onAppeared: function() {
        alert('Element fully entered viewport.');
      onFirstAppear: function() {
        alert('Element enters viewport for the first time.');
      onFirstAppeared: function() {
        alert('Element fully entered viewport for the first time.');
      onDisappear: function() {
        alert('Element starts leaving the viewport.');
      onDisappeared: function() {
        alert('Element no longer in viewport.');

Example with event listeners

<div class="element"></div>

<script src="src/iptools-jquery-inview.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    function onAppear(event) {
      alert('Element enters viewport.');
    function onAppeared(event) {
      alert('Element fully entered viewport.');
    function onFirstAppear(event) {
      alert('Element enters viewport for the first time.');
    function onFirstAppeared(event) {
      alert('Element fully entered viewport for the first time.');
    function onDisappear(event) {
      alert('Element starts leaving the viewport.');
    function onDisappeared(event) {
      alert('Element no longer in viewport.');
        triggerEvents: true,
        eventNamespace: 'customEventNamespace',
      .on('onAppear.customEventNamespace', onAppear)
      .on('onAppeared.customEventNamespace', onAppeared)
      .on('onFirstAppear.customEventNamespace', onFirstAppear)
      .on('onFirstAppeared.customEventNamespace', onFirstAppeared)
      .on('onDisappeared.customEventNamespace', onDisappeared);


Bug reports, suggestions

  • File all your issues, feature requests here
  • If filing a bug report, follow the convention of Steps to reproduce / What happens? / What should happen?
  • If you're a developer, write a failing test instead of a bug report and send a Pull Request


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/iptools-jquery-inview/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Develop your feature by concepts of TDD, see Tips
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request


Following tasks are there to help with development:

  • grunt watch:bdd listens to tests and source, reruns tests
  • grunt qa run QA task that includes tests and JSHint
  • grunt build minify source to dist/


Copyright © 2015 Interactive Pioneers GmbH. Licenced under GPLv3.