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265 lines (185 loc) · 14.3 KB

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265 lines (185 loc) · 14.3 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
GetResellersV6Returnsdetails Get /resellers/v6/returns/{caseRequestNumber} Returns Details
GetResellersV6Returnssearch Get /resellers/v6/returns/search Returns Search
PostReturnscreate Post /resellers/v6/returns/create Returns Create


ReturnsDetailsResponse GetResellersV6Returnsdetails(ctx, caseRequestNumber).IMCustomerNumber(iMCustomerNumber).IMCountryCode(iMCountryCode).IMCorrelationID(iMCorrelationID).IMSenderID(iMSenderID).Execute()

Returns Details


package main

import (
	xi_sdk_resellers ""

func main() {
	iMCustomerNumber := "20-222222" // string | Your unique Ingram Micro customer number.
	iMCountryCode := "US" // string | Two-character ISO country code.
	iMCorrelationID := "fbac82ba-cf0a-4bcf-fc03-0c5084" // string | Unique transaction number to identify each transaction across all the systems.
	caseRequestNumber := "12345678" // string | A unique return request number.
	iMSenderID := "MyCompany" // string | Unique value used to identify the sender of the transaction. Example: MyCompany (optional)

	configuration := xi_sdk_resellers.NewConfiguration()
	apiClient := xi_sdk_resellers.NewAPIClient(configuration)
	resp, r, err := apiClient.ReturnsAPI.GetResellersV6Returnsdetails(context.Background(), caseRequestNumber).IMCustomerNumber(iMCustomerNumber).IMCountryCode(iMCountryCode).IMCorrelationID(iMCorrelationID).IMSenderID(iMSenderID).Execute()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ReturnsAPI.GetResellersV6Returnsdetails``: %v\n", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
	// response from `GetResellersV6Returnsdetails`: ReturnsDetailsResponse
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ReturnsAPI.GetResellersV6Returnsdetails`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
caseRequestNumber string A unique return request number.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiGetResellersV6ReturnsdetailsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
iMCustomerNumber string Your unique Ingram Micro customer number.
iMCountryCode string Two-character ISO country code.
iMCorrelationID string Unique transaction number to identify each transaction across all the systems.

iMSenderID | string | Unique value used to identify the sender of the transaction. Example: MyCompany |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ReturnsSearchResponse GetResellersV6Returnssearch(ctx).IMCustomerNumber(iMCustomerNumber).IMCountryCode(iMCountryCode).IMCorrelationID(iMCorrelationID).IMSenderID(iMSenderID).CaseRequestNumber(caseRequestNumber).InvoiceNumber(invoiceNumber).ReturnClaimId(returnClaimId).ReferenceNumber(referenceNumber).IngramPartNumber(ingramPartNumber).VendorPartNumber(vendorPartNumber).ReturnStatusIn(returnStatusIn).ClaimStatusIn(claimStatusIn).CreatedOnBt(createdOnBt).ModifiedOnBt(modifiedOnBt).ReturnReasonIn(returnReasonIn).Page(page).Size(size).Sort(sort).SortingColumnName(sortingColumnName).Execute()

Returns Search


package main

import (
	xi_sdk_resellers ""

func main() {
	iMCustomerNumber := "20-222222" // string | Your unique Ingram Micro customer number.
	iMCountryCode := "US" // string | Two-character ISO country code.
	iMCorrelationID := "fbac82ba-cf0a-4bcf-fc03-0c5084" // string | Unique transaction number to identify each transaction across all the systems.
	iMSenderID := "MyCompany" // string | Unique value used to identify the sender of the transaction. Example: MyCompany (optional)
	caseRequestNumber := "caseRequestNumber_example" // string | A unique return request number. (optional)
	invoiceNumber := "invoiceNumber_example" // string | The Invoice number for the order. (optional)
	returnClaimId := "returnClaimId_example" // string | A unique return claim Id. (optional)
	referenceNumber := "referenceNumber_example" // string | The reference number for the return. (optional)
	ingramPartNumber := "ingramPartNumber_example" // string | Unique IngramMicro part number. (optional)
	vendorPartNumber := "vendorPartNumber_example" // string | The vendor's part number. (optional)
	returnStatusIn := "returnStatusIn_example" // string | Comma-separated values of pre-defined status. Open, Approved, Partially Approved, Denied, Voided. (optional)
	claimStatusIn := "claimStatusIn_example" // string | Comma-separated values of pre-defined status. Open, Approved, Partially Approved, Denied, Voided. (optional)
	createdOnBt := "createdOnBt_example" // string | The date on which the return request was created.  (optional)
	modifiedOnBt := "modifiedOnBt_example" // string | The date on which the return request was last updated. (optional)
	returnReasonIn := "returnReasonIn_example" // string | Comma separated Pre-defined value. test, (EW) Express Warehousing, (AR) Account Receivables, (BB) Buy Back, (BE) Stock Balance Exception, (BO) Bill Only, (CE) Credit Dept Use - Credit Exception, (CF) Configuration Fee, (CS ) Customer Service Discretion, (CS1) Customer Service Discretion CS Error, (DE) Defective Exception, (DF) Defective Items, (DI) Direct Credit, (DM) Damaged from Carrier, (DN) Damaged Without Product, (DT) Direct/ Special Order, (DT1) Direct Ship billed, not shipped., (FO) Freight Out, (FX) No-Scan, (IN) Incomplete, (LS) Lost Shipment, (MN) Minimum Order Fee Credit, (OS) Over Shipment, (PR) Pricing Error, (RF) Refusal Credit, (RI) Re-Invoice, (RP) Return For Repair, (RT) Return Not Credited, (RTD) RCN, (SB) Stock Balance, (SD) Sales Discretion, (SH) Incorrect Shipping And Handling, (SS) Short Shipment, (SSK) Short Ship kit, (SW) Sales Writeoff, (TE) Opened Return, (TR) Training Refund, (TX) Tax Credit, (WS) Wrong Sales Sealed, (WW) Wrong Warehouse, (FS) Warehouse Failed Serial# Capture, Latin America Vebdor Credits, Select Source, ITAD - Trade-in Credit, Withholding Tax (optional)
	page := "page_example" // string | Number of page. (optional)
	size := "size_example" // string | The submitted pagesize, default is 25 (optional)
	sort := "sort_example" // string | Refers to the column selected to apply the sorting criteria. (optional)
	sortingColumnName := "sortingColumnName_example" // string | The column name which will be sorted on. (optional)

	configuration := xi_sdk_resellers.NewConfiguration()
	apiClient := xi_sdk_resellers.NewAPIClient(configuration)
	resp, r, err := apiClient.ReturnsAPI.GetResellersV6Returnssearch(context.Background()).IMCustomerNumber(iMCustomerNumber).IMCountryCode(iMCountryCode).IMCorrelationID(iMCorrelationID).IMSenderID(iMSenderID).CaseRequestNumber(caseRequestNumber).InvoiceNumber(invoiceNumber).ReturnClaimId(returnClaimId).ReferenceNumber(referenceNumber).IngramPartNumber(ingramPartNumber).VendorPartNumber(vendorPartNumber).ReturnStatusIn(returnStatusIn).ClaimStatusIn(claimStatusIn).CreatedOnBt(createdOnBt).ModifiedOnBt(modifiedOnBt).ReturnReasonIn(returnReasonIn).Page(page).Size(size).Sort(sort).SortingColumnName(sortingColumnName).Execute()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ReturnsAPI.GetResellersV6Returnssearch``: %v\n", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
	// response from `GetResellersV6Returnssearch`: ReturnsSearchResponse
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ReturnsAPI.GetResellersV6Returnssearch`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiGetResellersV6ReturnssearchRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
iMCustomerNumber string Your unique Ingram Micro customer number.
iMCountryCode string Two-character ISO country code.
iMCorrelationID string Unique transaction number to identify each transaction across all the systems.
iMSenderID string Unique value used to identify the sender of the transaction. Example: MyCompany
caseRequestNumber string A unique return request number.
invoiceNumber string The Invoice number for the order.
returnClaimId string A unique return claim Id.
referenceNumber string The reference number for the return.
ingramPartNumber string Unique IngramMicro part number.
vendorPartNumber string The vendor's part number.
returnStatusIn string Comma-separated values of pre-defined status. Open, Approved, Partially Approved, Denied, Voided.
claimStatusIn string Comma-separated values of pre-defined status. Open, Approved, Partially Approved, Denied, Voided.
createdOnBt string The date on which the return request was created.
modifiedOnBt string The date on which the return request was last updated.
returnReasonIn string Comma separated Pre-defined value. test, (EW) Express Warehousing, (AR) Account Receivables, (BB) Buy Back, (BE) Stock Balance Exception, (BO) Bill Only, (CE) Credit Dept Use - Credit Exception, (CF) Configuration Fee, (CS ) Customer Service Discretion, (CS1) Customer Service Discretion CS Error, (DE) Defective Exception, (DF) Defective Items, (DI) Direct Credit, (DM) Damaged from Carrier, (DN) Damaged Without Product, (DT) Direct/ Special Order, (DT1) Direct Ship billed, not shipped., (FO) Freight Out, (FX) No-Scan, (IN) Incomplete, (LS) Lost Shipment, (MN) Minimum Order Fee Credit, (OS) Over Shipment, (PR) Pricing Error, (RF) Refusal Credit, (RI) Re-Invoice, (RP) Return For Repair, (RT) Return Not Credited, (RTD) RCN, (SB) Stock Balance, (SD) Sales Discretion, (SH) Incorrect Shipping And Handling, (SS) Short Shipment, (SSK) Short Ship kit, (SW) Sales Writeoff, (TE) Opened Return, (TR) Training Refund, (TX) Tax Credit, (WS) Wrong Sales Sealed, (WW) Wrong Warehouse, (FS) Warehouse Failed Serial# Capture, Latin America Vebdor Credits, Select Source, ITAD - Trade-in Credit, Withholding Tax
page string Number of page.
size string The submitted pagesize, default is 25
sort string Refers to the column selected to apply the sorting criteria.
sortingColumnName string The column name which will be sorted on.

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ReturnsCreateResponse PostReturnscreate(ctx).IMCustomerNumber(iMCustomerNumber).IMCountryCode(iMCountryCode).IMCorrelationID(iMCorrelationID).IMSenderID(iMSenderID).ReturnsCreateRequest(returnsCreateRequest).Execute()

Returns Create


package main

import (
	xi_sdk_resellers ""

func main() {
	iMCustomerNumber := "20-222222" // string | Your unique Ingram Micro customer number.
	iMCountryCode := "US" // string | Two-character ISO country code.
	iMCorrelationID := "fbac82ba-cf0a-4bcf-fc03-0c5084" // string | Unique transaction number to identify each transaction across all the systems.
	iMSenderID := "MyCompany" // string | Unique value used to identify the sender of the transaction. Example: MyCompany (optional)
	returnsCreateRequest := *openapiclient.NewReturnsCreateRequest() // ReturnsCreateRequest |  (optional)

	configuration := xi_sdk_resellers.NewConfiguration()
	apiClient := xi_sdk_resellers.NewAPIClient(configuration)
	resp, r, err := apiClient.ReturnsAPI.PostReturnscreate(context.Background()).IMCustomerNumber(iMCustomerNumber).IMCountryCode(iMCountryCode).IMCorrelationID(iMCorrelationID).IMSenderID(iMSenderID).ReturnsCreateRequest(returnsCreateRequest).Execute()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ReturnsAPI.PostReturnscreate``: %v\n", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
	// response from `PostReturnscreate`: ReturnsCreateResponse
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ReturnsAPI.PostReturnscreate`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiPostReturnscreateRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
iMCustomerNumber string Your unique Ingram Micro customer number.
iMCountryCode string Two-character ISO country code.
iMCorrelationID string Unique transaction number to identify each transaction across all the systems.
iMSenderID string Unique value used to identify the sender of the transaction. Example: MyCompany
returnsCreateRequest ReturnsCreateRequest

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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