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OpenAI Advanced Function/Tools calling

This repository contains examples of codes to use the function calling or tooling calling for the OpenAI APIs.

I also wrote a blog post about it.

Provides a simple way to call the OpenAI API with the following features:

  • Simple tooling/function calling
  • Advanced tooling/function calling
  • Parallel Advanced function/tooling calling

At the time of writing OpenAI is testing the functionality of Assistant APIs and they recently changed their API response body to address that, it's important to follow their recent changes and making sure that the code presented here is up to date with the latest changes in their API, but use at your own risk.


  • Python 3.6+
  • OpenAI API key


  1. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Setup your OpenAI API key

Now, create a .env file to store your OpenAI API key or rename the one provided.

touch .env

3.Set the OpenAI API Key

Add the OPENAI_API_KEY to the .env file


Ps: If you don't know how to get one, here is the guide.


On your terminal use the following commands:

python # for simple calling demo
python # for advanced calling demo

Jupyter Notebook for Advanced Function Calling

We have added a Jupyter notebook titled advanced_function_calling_demo.ipynb to this repository. This notebook is designed for experienced and seasoned developers looking to explore the advanced usage of the Functions registry from It includes detailed examples, explanations, and code snippets that can be executed within the notebook to showcase real-world usage. This resource aims to provide a comprehensive guide on effectively utilizing the Functions registry for advanced function calling techniques.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.