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Jobseekr - ASP.NET MVC Application

Jobseekr is an ASP.NET MVC application designed to streamline the job-seeking process for both employers and employees. The platform allows employers to post jobs, manage applications, and interact with potential candidates. On the other hand, employees can apply for jobs, send enquiries, and review employers.


User Roles

1. Employee

  • Apply for jobs posted by employers.
  • Send enquiries to employers.
  • Review and rate jobs.

2. Employer

  • Post job listings.
  • Manage job applications.
  • Respond to employee applications.
  • Add and manage company details.

3. Admin

  • View and manage registered employees, employers, companies, job applications, reviews, and enquiries and Modify jobs.

Job Management and Company Management


  • Post jobs with detailed descriptions.
  • Receive and manage job applications.
  • Respond to employee applications with selection or rejection.
  • Add and manage company details.
  • Enquiry System


  • Apply for jobs posted by employers.
  • Receive responses from employers.
  • Review and rate jobs.
  • Send enquiries to employers.
  • Receive responses from employers.


  • View and reply to employee enquiries.

Technologies Used

  • ASP.NET MVC: The web framework for building the application.
  • C#: The primary programming language for server-side logic.
  • HTML5, CSS, JavaScript: Front-end technologies for building the user interface.
  • Bootstrap 5: Front-end framework for responsive and modern design.
  • jQuery: JavaScript library for simplifying client-side scripting.
  • Entity Framework: ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) framework for interacting with the database.
  • AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML for seamless data exchange with the server.
  • MS SQL Server: Relational database management system used for storing application data.
  • Jira: Project management tool used for tracking tasks and issues.
  • Azure: Cloud platform used for deployment.
  • Swagger UI for Web API: Interactive documentation for RESTful APIs, providing a user-friendly interface for exploring and testing API endpoints.


The application is deployed to Azure. You can access the live version at here.


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Screenshots for every page are not included; explore the application for additional features and pages.


Feel free to contribute by forking the project and submitting pull requests!


This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 license - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.