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iGio90 edited this page Feb 27, 2018 · 9 revisions

A gdb like debugger that provide a runtime env to unicorn emulator and additionals features!

Introduction, features, goals

Unicorn DOPE Debugger is a tool that extend the functionality of the epic Unicorn emulator. As GDB, it aim to provide a runtime env, through cli, with an elegant output and some more useful things that are possible thanks to the fact we are emulating a static context, which basically allow us to interact with the emulation even after the first execution of a cycle or to totally restore a specific situation in the context.

Get the idea

The structure of the project, designed together with @rEDSAMK, is with plug-and-play modules. Each module have a set of commands with lot of shortcuts to reduce timings (obviously once you are familiar with the tool, but that's pretty easy).

Taking in example an available command:

memory read 0x10000 128

the same result can be achieved with:

m r 0x10000 64+64


mem r 0x5000*2 +64*2

Once you are arrived here, you are ready to take a look at the command list. Simply type help inside uDdbg or help command_name to get additional info about a speicific command.

help memory

Help for: memory
memory operations
usage: memory [dump|read|write] [...]

command    short    usage
---------  -------  ----------------------------------------------------
dump       d        memory dump *offset *length *file_path
read       r        memory read *offset *length [format: h|i]
write      w        memory write *offset *hex_payload

Have fun!

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