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Hygieia collector for Github

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Configure the GitHub Collector to display and monitor information (related to code contribution activities) on the Hygieia Dashboard, from the GitHub repository. Collect source code details from GitHub based on the repository URL and Branch for which you are configuring the collector.

The GitHub collector uses the GitHub REST API v3 for API requests.

Hygieia uses Spring Boot to package the collector as an executable JAR file with dependencies.

Table of Contents

Setup Instructions

To configure the SCM GitHub Collector, execute the following steps:

  • Step 1 - Artifact Preparation:

    Please review the two options in Step 1 to find the best fit for you.

    Option 1 - Download the artifact:

    You can download the SNAPSHOTs from the SNAPSHOT directory here or from the maven central repository here.

    Option 2 - Build locally:

    To configure the SCM GitHub Collector, git clone the SCM GitHub collector repo. Then, execute the following steps:

    To package the SCM GitHub collector source code into an executable JAR file, run the maven build from the \hygieia-scm-github-collector directory of your source code installation:

    mvn install

    The output file [collector name].jar is generated in the hygieia-scm-github-collector\target folder.

    Once you have chosen an option in Step 1, please proceed:

  • Step 2: Set Parameters in Application Properties File

Set the configurable parameters in the file to connect to the Dashboard MongoDB database instance, including properties required by the GitHub Collector.

For information about sourcing the application properties file, refer to the Spring Boot Documentation.

To configure parameters for the GitHub Collector, refer to the sample section.

  • Step 3: Deploy the Executable File

To deploy the [collector name].jar file, change directory to hygieia-scm-github-collector\target, and then execute the following from the command prompt:

java -jar [collector name].jar --spring.config.location=[path to file]

Sample Application Properties

The sample section lists parameter values to configure the GitHub Collector. Set the parameters based on your environment setup.

	# Database Name

	# Database HostName - default is localhost

	# Database Port - default is 27017

	# MongoDB replicaset
	dbreplicaset=[false if you are not using MongoDB replicaset]

	# Database Username - default is blank

	# Database Password - default is blank
	# Proxy URL
	# Proxy Port
	# Proxy user if auth is required
	# Proxy password if auth is required
	# Logging File location

	# Collector schedule (required)
	github.cron=0 0/5 * * * *

	# Maximum number of previous days from current date, when fetching commits

	# Optional: Error threshold count after which collector stops collecting for a collector item. Default is 2.

	# This is the key generated using the Encryption class in core

	# Personal access token generated from github and used for making authentiated calls

	# Github repository Connect Timeout value in milliseconds, default value is 20000 (20s)

	# Github repository Read Timeout value in milliseconds, default value is 20000 (20s) 

Run collector with Docker

You can install Hygieia by using a docker image from docker hub. This section gives detailed instructions on how to download and run with Docker.

  • Step 1: Download

    Navigate to the docker hub location of your collector here and download the latest image (most recent version is preferred). Tags can also be used, if needed.

  • Step 2: Run with Docker

    Docker run -e SKIP_PROPERTIES_BUILDER=true -v properties_location:/hygieia/config image_name

      indicates whether you want to supply a properties file for the java application. If false/omitted, the script will build a properties file with default values
    • -v properties_location:/hygieia/config
      if you want to use your own properties file that located outside of docker container, supply the path here.
      • Example: -v /Home/User/Document/