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Safe Reinforcement Learning for Self-Adaptive Systems

Project Seminar on Safe Reinforcement Learning for Self-Adaptive Systems


One significant challenge in traffic control systems is managing unprotected right turns at intersections, where the absence of dedicated turning signals can create collision risks. In this report we explore how to utilize reinforcement learning algorithms to dynamically adjust traffic light phases for mitigating collision risks while optimizing traffic flow. We use Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) to simulate intersection traffic, integrating RL algorithms such as Deep Q-Learning (DQN), Advantage Actor Critic (A2C), Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), and Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) through SUMO-RL. In the report we investigate the impact of RL algorithms and speed limits on safety and efficiency, evaluating performance based on collision occurrences and time loss metrics. Results showTRPO’s superior safety performance, while A2C exhibits the smallest time loss. Further analysis shows the influence of speed limits on collision types. Additionally, we introduce a shield algorithm to enhance safety in A2C agents, observing a trade-off between safety improvement and performance degradation. The report concludes with avenues for future research, including optimizing shield distances and incorporating safety into RL rewards.


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