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How to use

hopto-dot edited this page Dec 31, 2020 · 81 revisions


Main Functions:

Useful things are in bold

  • Word Lookup - Looks up any word, phrase or sentence
  • Last Requests - Things you can do after searching a word
  • S parameter - A parameter that determines how much information about a word is displayed
  • Kanji Information - Enter Japanese text and detailed information on all the kanji
  • /count - Accurately translate numbers (with or without counters) into its furigana reading
  • Preferences - Lets you change program settings, these are saved for the next time you use the program.
  • Audio - Downloads audio of various conjugations of a verb or adjective
  • Download subtitles - Download anime subtitles in either Japanese or English (specify the language after you've typed '/subtitles')
  • Conjugator Practice - Conjugation practice (practice conjugating a word of your choice into different forms)
  • Translator - Translates English into Japanese, or Japanese into English (type '!' in front of a sentence)
  • Listening - Start a listening test for a verb or adjective
  • Kanji Test - Enter Japanese text and get tested on all the kanji
  • HeyLingo Audio Downloader (/heylingo) - Downloads audio from Hey! Lingo courses

Extra Commands

  • /dsp - change the default S parameter that is used when you search for a word (same functionality as going into Preferences and changing it)
  • /history - See your last 40 searches
  • /b - Instantly go back to your last search (no internet connection needed)
  • /saves - Shows all the words you've saved (to save a word, first search for one then type 'save')
  • /h or /help - Brings up more information about a command, no longer updated
  • Offline Searching - do '//[search]' to search for a word offline (not very effective)

How to use each command:

How syntaxes are formatted: In this Wiki "[]" and "{}" are to show the type of parameter in the wiki and how to use them.

  • Parameters inside [] means it is a required parameter
  • Parameters inside {} means it is an optional parameter

For example: [word] {s=} {number of results}

This means must type in a word, an S parameter and number of results is optional

Word Lookup

** Note: Word Lookup and Translator are the only commands that don't use a "/". **

Word lookup is the most useful command, it shows you many different conjugation of the word you inputted. Nouns will bring up the least information because it doesn't have "conjugations" but instead "tenses".

You can search two things at the same time using "&&" in between two words

If you search for more than one results (for example "hon 5"), when selecting a result you can type "s=(number)" to change the S parameter value

All conjugations that are generated by the program should be accurate because Japanese conjugation patterns are very regular, however there are some (but very few) "irregular verbs" that I have not error trapped so be careful when looking at them.

** Syntax: [word] {s=} {number of results} **

Syntax (search two words): [word1]&&[word2]

You can't use an S parameter when searching for two things.

If you enter a sentence it will break it down for you. Just type the sentence and nothing more, it will translate it and break it down into separate words.

Syntax (sentence breakdown): [sentence]

This command contains Last Requests

  • [word] is the word or expression you are searching, simply replace this with a Japanese word, Romaji (English letters) or enter an English word.
  • {s=} 1 by default, this parameter determines the amount of results that are shown, simply type "s=" then a number in the range 1-4. 4 being the least amount of results and 1 being the most, 3 and 4 brings up more advanced information only.
  • {results} this is the number of results you want to search for, simply add a number at the end

Here are some examples:

  • "面白い" searches the word 'interesting'
  • "omoshiroi s=2" searches for the word 'interesting' but the results that are shown will be a little less
  • "interesting 2" this will search for two Japanese words with the definition 'interesting'
  • "本 10" this will search for 10 words which contains the kanji '本' which means 'book'
  • "hon s=4 20" this will search for 20 definitions of the word hon (AKA ほん or 本), it will show the smallest amount of information

Last Requests

Note: If you want to use last requests when using the custom S parameter (0), you must have "Kanji details" on. Do this in [Preferences], go to S parameter settings and then choose "1" for "Kanji info".(

To use a Last Request, all you have to do is search for a word and then type one of the following:

  • "anki" - copy to your clipboard an "anki-friendly" string, it contains the definition of a the word you just searches as well as a kanji breakdown
  • "kanji" - copy to your clipboard a kanji definition breakdown of the word you just searched
  • "audio" - download audio for the pronunciation of the conjugations of the word you just searched (only words for verbs and adjectives)
  • 'jisho' - opens up the page for the word on Jisho
  • 'save' -saves the word to your saved words list, access this list with '/saves'

You will know that you can use a last request when it says at the bottom in grey (after you have searched something)


Do '!' then English or Japanese and it will translate English into Japanese, or Japanese into English.

For example: !this is a test translation

Kanji Information

Enter Japanese text and detailed information on all the kanji; the text must be on one line.

  1. do '/i'
  2. enter Japanese text (must contain at least one kanji) **Note: When you search for a word using Word Lookup, Kanji Information is displayed automatically (unless turned of in the preferences)


Accurately translate numbers (with or without counters) into its furigana reading. The program outputs two readings if it isn't sure which one to use or outputs one if it has no clue.

Syntax: /count (number) {counter}

  • You must specific at least the number, the counter is optional.
  • (Number) must be a numeral (0 not zero)
  • {counter} can be in romaji, furigana or English, for example: "nin", "にん" or "people"


  • /count 3807283 -> さんびゃくはちじゅうまんななせんにひゃくはちじゅうさん
  • /count 8回 -> はっかい
  • /count 86 years old -> はちじゅうろくさい
  • /count 5soku -> ごそく
  • /count 3200 hako -> さんせんにひゃっぱこ
  • /count 18 箱 -> じゅうはっぱこ
  • /count 2 people -> ふたり
  • /count 5 things -> いつつ


Downloads audio of verb or adjective conjugations from OJAD, it will then put it into a folder in the downloads folder called 'Conjugation Audio'. The /listening command uses the functionality of this command to generate a listening test.

If you want female audio then append "!f" to the command, if you want male then you don't need to add anything because it is "!m" by default.

Syntax: /audio [verb/adjective] {!f/m}


Generates a listening test where you must listen and type the conjugation the verb/adjective is in. If it's a verb, it will also ask you to conjugate it.

Works for only verbs and adjectives.

If you want female audio then append "!f" to the command, if you want male then you don't need to add anything because it is "!m" by default.

Syntax: /listening [verb/adjective] {!f/m}

Kanji Test

Generates a test for a string of kanji that you input.

  1. Do '/k', then input the a line of Japanese Kanji; this can be a Japanese sentence or just kanji alone.
  2. Next, specify what you want to be tested on, type "yes" for each thing you want to be tested on
  3. Type the answers for each kanji - for Kanji meanings if there are a lot of them, you will be asked to enter two.

** Syntax: /k **

Conjugation Practice

This command is useful for practising conjugations, it generates a quiz where the program will ask you to conjugate the verb into the mostly confused forms. It is probably better to use the "/listening" command because it is better to practice conjugating with.

Only works with verbs.

Syntax: /p [word]

[verb] can be in romaji, the English definition, kana or kanji.

/prefs command

Changes program settings and preferences. S parameter settings are important to fully utilise the program, while general settings are useful too.

/help command

Get information about a command:

If you don't want help with a specific command, just type "/help"

** Syntax: "/help [command]" OR /h [command]**

S parameter

Note: To use Last Requests while using the custom S parameter (0), you must have "Kanji details" on. Do '/prefs', go to S parameter settings then have "Kanji details" as '1' (on)

When searching for a word using Word Lookup you can add an S parameter.

This parameter determines the amount of results that are shown when you do a Word Search, simply type "s=" then a number in the range 1-4. 4 being the least amount of results and 1 being the most, 3 and 4 brings up more advanced information only.

If no S parameter is used when searching, the default parameter will be used (this is set inside of preferences)

In the settings you can set up a custom S parameter (s=0) to show exactly what you want.

Reading practice

This command is obsolete.

/r |[Japanese Sentence] ^ [English Sentence]

Replace, [Japanese Sentence] with a Japanese sentence and [English Sentence] with its meaning, the "^" should be between these two. For more than one sentence, just repeat the pattern like so: /r |[Japanese Sentence] ^ [English Sentence]|[Japanese Sentence] ^ [English Sentence]|[Japanese Sentence] ^ [English Sentence]