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ElectronJS Desktop App Structure

Resources for Learning

Base Structure

├── bin/     // Support JS file
├── build/     // Sub project to build app (
│   ├── electron-builder.json     // Electron Builder configuration
│   ├── package.json     // Electron App Base Library
│   └── ...
├── public/     // font-end view js,css,html,svg
│   ├── css     // App.css
│   ├── fonts     // Use bin/google-fonts.js to download your font
│   ├── img     // Use bin/google-fonts.js to download your font
│   ├── js     // Your custom js file
│   ├── lang     // [lang].json  example: en.json, jp.json, vi.json, ...
│   ├── dynamic.js     // load to <div id="content"><script>loadPage('home.html');</script>
│   ├── *.html
│   └── ...
├── src/
│   ├── events/     // Because of Security, I turn off nodeIntegration (nodeIntegration: false). They will bundle by webpack and build to public/events or you can understand it is renderer folder
│   │   ├── *.event.ts         // Event interact with font side
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── shared/
│   │   └── ...
│   └── windows/               // Windows Manger
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── env.constant.ts
│   ├── main.ts
│   ├── preload.ts     // Preload, config contextBridge, ipcRenderer
│   └── ...
├── typings/
│   ├── global.d.ts
│   └── ...
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json     // Typescript configuration
├── webpack.config.js     // Webpack configuration
└── ...


1. Major Version (X.y.z):

Increment the major version (X) when you make incompatible API changes. This usually indicates significant changes or new features that might break compatibility with previous versions.

2. Minor Version (x.Y.z):

Increment the minor version (Y) when you add functionality in a backward-compatible manner. This typically includes new features or enhancements that don't break existing functionality.

3. Patch Version (x.y.Z):

Increment the patch version (Z) when you make backward-compatible bug fixes. This includes fixes for issues that don't affect the existing functionality or API compatibility.



To Use CMD

To clone and run this repository you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:

Clone this repository
git clone
npm i
Auto update FE library after install
npm run postinstall
Remove dist and public/events which generate by code
npm run prebuild
Tsc build dist and Tsc-alias for paths tsconfig.json
npm run build:ts
Obfuscator JS code to make app hard to read and hide some safety file
You can edit /bin/javascript-obfuscator.js to run as many times as you want, but the price you pay is that the application's processing speed will be slower.
npm run build:obfuscator:js
Build develop
npm run build
Build product
npm run build:prod
Watch dist folder change, if it change, re-run
npm run watch
Normal Start
npm run start
Dev Start, if you edit src folder, your app will update
npm run start:dev
Build app.css
npm run view:sass
If you edit your css folder, your css file will update
npm run view:watch
Dev start full
npm run start:view:dev
Prepare to build package
npm run package:prepare
npm run format
npm run format:all


1. Remove lock file and node_modules then reinstall
2. Try to remove choco chocolatey and run "C:\Program Files\nodejs\install_tools.bat"
3. If not work check you vsbuildtools
4. Check your python and node-gpy rebuild
5. downgrade node version then use npm install --global windows-build-tools
  • Env: electron-builder is a packager, so any environment variables that you set during build process does not inject anything into the app bundle itself. For something like that, I think you need to use a bundler, such as via webpack's define plugin, or something similar. Easier to understand, the process.env lines in the folder you use to build the app will not work (for example, here are src/ and public) so you have to find another way to add them if you still want to use or you can also try to encode them with javascript-obfuscator.

  • ElectronBuilder for win: open PowerShell as Administrator cd to your folder then run