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> Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible. - Richard Feynman.

The main reason we started was to explore some of the uncovered topics. We have taken and seen many blogs and MOOCS, but we believe there are certain topics which were easily brushed off, which made us wondering and wanted to explore more.

The last decade saw the emergence of various Deep Neural Networks(DNN) architectures. Almost, every analytics and prediction problem is seen through the DNN's lens. The genral trend is to increase the number of hidden layers for better results. But nobody knew what exactly goes inside DNN's that makes them work.

Genrally, DNN's are seen as black box. This is an attempt to zoom inside these architectures and demystfy the building blocks i.e hidden units.

black box

This blog will be to those people which have taken many online courses and have understood the topics which they covered for you, but not covering certain topics which you have hoped for. We hope this blog will be helpful for you guys.

Thank you