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Adroid-RL. Based on gym_pybullet_drones

Separation rationale

Initially this project was implemented as a package within gym_pybullet_drones fork. But everything has changed after a Massive Purge. This was done to favour modularity, and compactness of the project. Adroid-RL, however still heavily relates on its parent. And in order to build it successfully, a proper configuration for gym_pybullet_drones has to be ensured first.

Branch strcture

This project uses branches in a somewhat dual way.

  1. In a standard git understanding of a branch
  2. As a checkpoint list for which a particular hypothesis succeeded. Thus each branch marked as ch-{N} contains a checkpoint with potentially some documentation related to it.

Signatures or traits

It is a naming convention for hypothesis runs, which has a self-documenting character. There is no particular convention apart from the following one:

  • Separate logically different signatures with -
  • Unite multiple words in logically similar signatures with _
  • Try to capture the following categories in signatures:
    • Algorithm eg sac, ppo, ddpg
    • Reward and penalty policy eg severe_scold, relaxed_scold, agressive_penalty, generous_rew etc
    • Episodicity eg fin_horizon, inf_hor
    • Geometric boundary specifics xyz_boundary, z_limit, relaxed_z_lim
    • Observation struct messy_obs, kinem_obs, imu_measur, rgb_depth_vec etc
    • Goal description seek_and_find, obs_av, nav, move_to

Example signature:


Extended signatures

Extended signatures are tailed with arch specifics, or some of your test env sepcifics like total time steps etc.

Extended Example signature:



Once checkpoint_n+1 appears, checkpoint_n get erased, unless decided otherwise.

  • Checkpoint 1; commit: 7e9429c31e3a96dbd9de311df26a9867f1062c5e
  • Checkpoint 2; ch-2:90b4e17db81f4666cd34e137db93d0f5c50332c4