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Benchmark speed of transformers on jax vs pytorch(2.0)


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# usage
# --model pytorch or handcraft
#     pytorch: model that builds on top of pytorch's transformer modules
#     handcraft: same model defined from basic pytorch components such as linear, einsum
# --compile 0 or 1, whether to turn on the torch.compile
# --dtype float32 or bfloat16
python --model handcraft --save_dir exps/pytorch/run --compile 1 --num_layer 8 --dtype float32


Tested on RTX4090 graphics card. --num_layer is set to 8

All data types have similar training curve.

Speed of torch model vs handcraft model

torch handcraft Speed up
bfloat16 1093 1273 1.16x

For the subsequent experiment we use handcraft model.

Speed by dtypes on handcraft model

dtype torch torch.compile speed up jax jax vs torch jax vs
float32 672 736 1.10x 797 1.19x 1.08x
float16 991 1287 1.30x
bfloat16 982 1273 1.30x

Jax seems to beat torch.compile, at least on float32. I have not learned how to write fp16 training in jax. It is not as easy as in pytorch.

Speed of flash-attention

flash-attention only works on fp16 and bfp16. Here we use the flash attention implemented in pytorch's torch.nn.functional.scaled_dot_product instead of the standalone flash-attention repo. The later may be even faster but harder to use.

It is interesting that a naive implementaion is accelated to be almost as fast as the flash-attention.

dtype torch.compile flash speed up
float16 1287 1425 1.11x
bfloat16 1273 1435 1.13x

NOTE: somehow flash attention is slower when compiled

dtype flash flash compile
float16 1425 1170
bfloat16 1435 1176

RTX4090 vs A5000

torch.compile=1, flash=0

dtype A5000 RTX4090 speed up
bfloat16 731 1296 1.77x

torch.compile=0, flash=1

dtype A5000 RTX4090 speed up
bfloat16 820 1468 1.79x

Other Notes

It is also interesting to know that pytorch's initialization for linear layer, i.e. $\text{uniform}(-\sqrt{\frac{1}{n}}, \sqrt{\frac{1}{n}})$ where $n$ is the number of input feature , makes the model converges faster. This is equivalent (maybe?) to using jax's variance initializer with variance = $\sqrt{\frac{1}{3n}}$, i.e. scale = 1/3, mode= "fan_in".


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