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Turing fullstack challenge

This project presents the fullstack turing challenge "Tshirtstore" See video demo here

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Core features
  3. Tech stack used
  4. Project Structure
  5. API Requests
  6. Root Queries
  7. Services
  8. Test cases
  9. Made by


Please make sure you are using nodejs 12.4.0+

Initiate the database and Set your environment values

You can add them to your .bashrc file

export MYSQL_HOST=
export MYSQL_USER=your_mysql_user
export MYSQL_PASSWORD=your_mysql_user_password
export MYSQL_DATABASE=your_database_name
export STRIPE_SK=your_stripe_sk

Development mode

git clone
cd turing-fullstack
npm install
npm start

Then visit the application at localhost:3000

Production mode

This will make the application look much faster to run in production you need to build the project first

npm run build frontend
npm run prod
# or launch with pm2 using 
pm2 sart --name turing
# the app will be accessible on port 3001

Core features

  • mobile friendly products display with material design
  • product filtering through departments and categories
  • product details display with options selection , the selection will be used as default values for the new cart items unless they are updated
  • client state management , remembering the filters and the page when returning from product details page so you can't loose track on the page you visited
  • shopping cart instant update , if the user choose the same product multiple times the cart item quantity will be updated, otherwise it will add a new item
  • user registration and login , after the login the app will remember the user until he clicks on logout
  • responsive checkout steps with "some" data validation (still not completed)
  • possibility to update the shopping cart items options and quantity before validating the order
  • create order and save its state so when the user returns to checkout he can either pay or cancel the his order, he can also add new shopping cart items and then cancel the previous order
  • display order notification if the user returns to the website without completing his order (the display is set only if the shopping cart is empty)
  • payment using stripe API

Tech stack used

To make the application run very fast i needed a combination of the following frameworks

React, redux, nextjs , fastify, urql, bookshelfjs , material-ui

For the backend i used fastify based on some benchmarks , and to make it faster on the client i needed some ssr engine that's why i used nextjs. I decided to run with redux because it is a good fit for application state management especially with React. to go even further i needed to retreive multiple resources in a single request that's where graphQL comes into place, i found a new library that works well with React called urql. and for model management i decided to run with bookshelf because of its simplicity. finally, for the design and the page layouts i used material ui.

Project Structure

│    app.js
│    └──.next
│    └──components
│    └──lib
│    └──pages
│          _app.js
│          _document.js
│    └──static
│      store.js
│    └──graphql
│    └──records
│      index.js
│       root.js

this is where the project started , it has fastify loading modules and integrations . it has the initilization of the following modules:

  • bookshelf mysql connection
  • nextjs integration with the server
  • registing jwt and auth module for authentication handling
  • autoloading services and plugins files from the app and adding static file serving from the frontend

this folder has all the files served under nextjs, the compiled version of all the files is located under .next folder.

  • components : folder that has all React components used in pages directory,
  • lib: has some shared methods used by the components , like validation, formating, persistance
  • pages: every file here except _app.js and _document.js can be routed by its name , nextjs map the route with the filename, for example, to load the file products.js we can just call /products, for more detailed routing using paramters, look at the file services/root.js. the files _app.js and _document.js are overrided from the basic files used by nextjs, we needed that for material-ui and for passing urql providers as well as redux's
  • /static: this file has the image assets that can be served directely from the server using fastify-static using a prefix /static/, more details on app.js
  • store.js: contains all the store management and the application state , it integrates redux with persistance capability, the states that needs to be mapped with the components in a global way and the methods that needs biding with the states. The biding is managed using the function connect of react-redux (look inside the folder components for examples of how to use connect and bindActionCreators )


the folder models wraps the ORM with graphQl queries and mutations, it integrates bookshelfjs and bookshelfjs-graphql modules, by declaring the models and their relationships we can automatically use a resolverFactory to automatically run queries recursively.

when fastify is initializing, the application tries to load the models from models/index.js and make them accessible all over the application by calling fastify.models.ModelName


this is where we can add decorators or hooks to fastify queries and use them by configuring the request, in this application, the folder plugin has only the authentication decorator that verifies the token from user-key header attribute. the usage of the decorator is called in user and order services by adding preHandler parameter to the route.


All the application rooting for the frontend and the backend is served by root.js , so every root is either to call the API , will be served to nextjs or get handled by graphql server

API Requests

The API requests used for fetching and saving data , as well the root graphQl queries and mutations.


The entrypoint of every graphql query is located in services/root.js through POST /graphql containing query and variables as parameters.

The root schema of the queries and mutations can be found in models/graphql/root.js , An example of graphQl request on how to query product with its attributes and attribute_values can be presented as the following

POST /graphQl
    variables: {product_id: 1}
    query: `{
		 product(product_id: 1) { 
			  attributes {

looking at the example query above we try to fetch a product , hist attributes and the attribute_values related to the attributes, but the case is to find the attribute_values related to the product in question as well as the attribute requested, this is the responsability of the resolver, the implementation of how the resolver work to find the attribute_values related to the product in question can be found in models/graphql/attribute.js

Root Queries

The table below describe the queries that can be used as roots, to find details about the types , look at the schema inside models/graphql/{type}.


Root Query Result Type Params Description
products List ProductType page: Int!,pageSize: Int! fetch all products in certain page number with page size
product ProductType product_id: Int! fetch product by product_id with attributes and attribute_values relation if needed
categories List CategoryType fetch all categories, can use product as relation categories { products ...}
category CategoryType category_id: Int! fetch category by its id
departments List DepartmentType fetch all departments , can use categories or products as relation, look at models/graphql/department.js for products realtion resolver.
department DepartmentType department_id: Int! fetch department by id
attributes List AttributeType fetch all attributes
attribute AttributeType attribute_id: Int fetch attribute by its id
shopping_cart List ShoppingCartType cart_id: String! fetch shoppingcart items by cart_id
shipping_regions List ShippingRegionType fetch all shipping_regions
shippings List ShippingType shipping_region_id: Int! fetch all shippings


Root Mutation Result Type Params Description
add_to_cart ShoppingCartType cart_id: String!, product_id: Int!,quantity: Int!, attributes: String! create a new shopping cart item with cart_id if it does not exist with the same attributes, otherwise it will increase the quantity of the found shopping cart item (shopping_cart table in the db, see db/tshirtshop.sql). Returns a shopping cart item.
update_cart_attribtues Boolean item_id: Int!, attributes: String! update the shopping_cart attributes field
update_cart_quantity Boolean item_id: Int!, quatity: Int! set a quantity value for the found shopping_cart
remove_from_cart Boolean item_id: Int! remove shopping cart by its item_id

We should note that all the graphql queries and mutations do not require authorization or any user related queries, to make the request related to user and use authorization we used REST API


All the application REST request are available under services directory

Method Request Params USER-KEY required Description
POST /signup name, email, password no create a new user or return 'user exist' error
POST /auth email, password no authenticate user and return a new signed token so it can be used in headers['USER-KEY']
POST /user/address customer_id, address_1, address_2, city, postal_code, country, shipping_region_id yes add address information to a user , return {success: status_update}
POST /order cart_id, customer_id, shipping_id yes create order from shopping cart , uses mysql procedure shopping_cart_create_order. The tax_id is set to 1 by default in this service for now.
POST /order/cancel order_id yes update order status to 2 (cancelled)
POST /order/charge order_id, card_name, card_number, expiry_date (mm/yy), cvc yes charge user using stripe api with the order amount and update order status to 1 (confirmed)

Test cases

the application uses the default database for testing, to test the application you need to follow the steps below

Front end testing

Frontend tests uses jest alongside with react-testing-library

# make sure you run the dev server
$ npm run dev
# run the frontend tests
$ npm run test:frontend

Backend tests

in the backend we tested the services using tap and supertest

# to run the backend tests just type
$ npm run test

Made by

Abdelhay NAJJAR, for more details about the project please contact [email protected]


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