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A starter template to kickstart your NestJS project


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NestJS Starter Template

NestJS starter template with TypeScript and Prisma to kickstart your Node.js project.

What's inside?

This starter template includes:

  • NestJS - Modern and progressive Node.js framework
  • TypeScript - Your safety net when writing JavaScript
  • Prisma - Next generation Node.js and TypeScript ORM
  • pnpm - Fast and efficient package manager
  • Docker - Develop, ship, and run your app with containers
  • Redis - Popular in-memory key-value database and caching system
  • PostgreSQL - Popular open-source SQL relational database management system
  • pgAdmin - Open-source Postgres admin and development tools
  • ESLint & Prettier - Find & fix problems in the codebase and format code automatically on save
  • Makefile - Handy automation tool to run and compile your programs more efficiently
  • Pino - Node.js logging tools
  • OpenAPI - Standard specification for HTTP APIs
  • Husky - Git hooks tool
    • Commit Lint - Force devs to follow conventional commit message
    • Lint Staged - Format & lint your code before committing, block commit if issues are detected
  • Github Actions - Check, test, and build your code automatically on push and PR
  • Dependabot - Create pull-request to update your dependencies
  • Jest - Popular JavaScript unit testing library
  • Supertest - SuperAgent driven library for testing HTTP servers

Getting Started

  1. Clone repo:

    Tips: You can use degit to clone this repo without running git clone. Learn more

    degit hanstanawi/nestjs-starter-template your-app-name

    or simply use this template on GitHub when creating new repository.

  2. Install dependencies:

    Make sure you have pnpm installed. Learn more about installing pnpm.

    pnpm install
  3. Install Nest CLI

    Nest CLI is a great command-line interface tool that helps you to initialize, develop, and maintain your Nest project. You need to install it globally in order to run the nest command in terminal.

    pnpm -g add @nestjs/cli
  4. Run the database

    Since this project uses Prisma ORM. The Postgres database container needs to be running upon the project init to avoid any Prisma connection error.

    pnpm db:up

    To learn more about running databases using Docker. Checkout the Prisma section.

  5. Run the development server

    pnpm start:dev
  6. Make a request to http://localhost:3333 with cURL to see the result.

    curl --location "http://localhost:3333/api/v1"

    You can start editing the project by modifying app.module.ts or create a new module by running

    nest g module your-new-module

    The project auto-updates as you edit the file.


You can run this project without having Node.js installed on your machine by running it using Docker as a container. You can learn more about Docker here.

Make sure Docker is installed and Docker daemon is running on your machine. You can learn more how to download and setup Docker here.

  1. Run the Docker containers using Docker Compose

    docker compose up -d --build
  2. Stop running containers

    docker compose down

You can also run these commands with make command based on this project's Makefile configuration to avoid memorizing the long docker commands.

  1. Run containers

    make docker-run
  2. Stop container

    make docker-stop


This NestJS starter template comes with Prisma ORM, a modern Node.js and TypeScript ORM that works really well with NestJS. You can check the full official guide to get started with NestJS and Prisma here.

  1. Running the database

    It only runs Postgres container with Docker Compose

    pnpm db:up
  2. Create a database migration

    Whenever you make any changes in the schema.prisma file, you need to create a migration to reflect the changes you made on the schema to the database.

    To create a migration, simply run this command, then enter the name of the migration. e.g. add_user_table

    pnpm prisma migrate dev
  3. Run existing migrations

    pnpm db:deploy
  4. Generate Prisma Client

    It runs the prisma generate command under the hood to generate type definitions based on the schema.prisma schema.

    pnpm db:generate
  5. Run Prisma Studio

    It runs the Prisma Studio tools to open Prisma database admin client tools.

    pnpm db:studio

Unit Testing

This starter template has Jest setup to run unit and integration API tests. Tests are automatically executed on every pull request and push by GitHub Actions CI workflow.

You can run unit tests and e2e tests manually on your machine:

  • Run all unit tests
    pnpm test
  • Run test in watch mode
    pnpm test:watch
  • Unit test coverage
    pnpm test:cov

Integration Testing

This starter template has integration tests with Jest and Supertest setup out of the box. In integration tests, we test the full feature of each APIs to ensure each API behave correctly and spot bugs early.

We need to test the database connection and integration with the app. Therefore, before we run integration tests, all database connection needs to be setup. Different database for integration tests needs to be setup, so it will not disturb our development database. The Postgres test database container configuration can be found in docker-compose.test.yaml to learn more.

  1. Create .env.test file to load env variables for test environment

    Your existing .env variables may vary. However, you should change these .env variables to test variables

  2. Run integration test setup script

    make e2e-test-up

    In this script, it runs the Postgres docker container test database and run existing migrations to test database.

  3. Run integration tests

    • Run all integration tests

      pnpm test:e2e
    • Watch mode

      pnpm test:e2e:watch
  4. Stop Postgres test database container

    make e2e-test-down

OpenAPI Specification

This starter template has OpenAPI Swagger documentation setup out of the box. You can update the API documentation based to your liking on your application API specification. To learn more about OpenAPI with NestJS configuration, you can visit the documentation here.

To view OpenAPI documentation page

  1. Start the development server

    pnpm start:dev

    Don't forget to start the postrges container, otherwise Prisma will throw a connection error when starting up the app.

    pnpm db:up
  2. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3333/api to view the API documentation.

Learn More

To learn more about NestJS and its ecosystem, take a look at the following resources: