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Members' Data API

The members' data API is a Play app that manages and retrieves supporter attributes associated with a user.
It runs on

Dotcom website is the biggest single consumer of members-data-api, specifically the /user-attributes/me endpoint, which it uses to determine both ad-free (when user has a digital subscription or supporter plus or a newspaper product) and if we should hide 'support messaging/asks' (banner, epic, header/footer support buttons etc).

It would be unnecessary to hit members-data-api on every single page view, so instead it uses cookies to regulate how often calls are made. The gu_user_features_expiry contains a timestamp for the 'earliest' point it would be allowed to call members-data-api again, and is updated whenever it does call members-data-api to 'now + 24hours'.

Various things from the /user-attributes/me response are stored in cookies, to be used on each render...

  • GU_AF1 the 'ad-free' cookie which is set to a timestamp for 'now + 48hours' if the contentAccess.digitalPack = true
  • gu_hide_support_messaging is set to true if showSupportMessaging = false in the response
  • gu_action_required_for is set to the value of alertAvailableFor in the response, and is used to control the display of the 'payment failure' banner
  • gu_paying_member = contentAccess.paidMember in the response
  • gu_digital_subscriber = contentAccess.digitalPack in the response
  • gu_recurring_contributor = contentAccess.recurringContributor in the response
  • gu_one_off_contribution_date = oneOffContributionDate in the response
Useful Links

User attributes data sources

User attributes (which products a user currently holds) are served from three sources

  1. The SupporterProductData-[STAGE] DynamoDB table - This table is populated by a scheduled extract from Stripe (Guardian Patrons only) and Zuora (digital and print subscriptions & recurring contributions)
  2. The contributions-store-[STAGE] Postgres database (one off contributions only)
  3. The mobile purchases api (in-app purchases only)

Setting it up locally

  1. You will need to have dev-nginx installed.

  2. Follow the nginx steps for identity-platform.

  3. Follow the identity-frontend configuration steps.

  4. Then run ./ in nginx/.

  5. Add the following entries to your hosts file:
  1. Get Janus credentials for membership.

  2. Download the config
    (you may need to brew install awscli to get the command.)
    aws s3 cp s3://gu-reader-revenue-private/membership/members-data-api/DEV/members-data-api.private.conf /etc/gu/ --profile membership

Running Locally

  1. Get Janus credentials for membership.

  2. (optional) Create an ssh tunnel to the CODE one-off contributions database:

    1. Clone
    2. From the contributions-platform project, Run ./contributions-store/contributions-store-bastion/scripts/ -s CODE (requires marauder)
    3. If you need to close your tunnel and didn't make a note of the process number you can run ps aux | grep to find the process number. The output will look something like this username 1693 0.0 0.0 34153208 952 ?? Ss 4:20pm 0:00.00 ssh -i /private/var/folders/yv/dbtm9psd5ddbjm_lvcjm9zf1vdng_j/T/security_ssm-scala_temporary-rsa-private-key.tmp -f -L -N -o IdentitiesOnly yes -o ExitOnForwardFailure yes where 1693 is the process number. You can close the tunnel with kill 1693.
  3. Ensure an nginx service is running locally. You can run dev-nginx restart-nginx to do this.

Identity frontend local sign in

The /me endpoints can either use the GU_U and SC_GU_U from the Cookie request header or Bearer authorisation header. To get either of these you will need to sign in to the identity frontend.

To authenticate and get a bearer token from identity (recommended)

  1. Follow this identity thread to set up PostMan

To run identity locally for browser based access (not recommended)

  1. Start up a local Identity service by running script make dev in the gateway repo.
  2. Go to

Starting the API

  1. To start the Members' data API service run ./
    The service will be running on 9400.

  2. go to If you get a 401 response, it probably means your Identity credentials have expired.
    Renew them by following the steps in Identity frontend local sign in

  3. As of 22/04/2022 the endpoint should work correctly if your set up is correct. Other endpoints (/healthcheck, /user-attributes/me/mma-membership) may not work correctly due to upstream dependencies.

Running tests

run sbt and then test

Identity Frontend

Identity frontend is split between new (profile-origin) and old (profile), which is the identity project in frontend. Only profile uses the membership-attribute-service. Make sure that it's pointing at your local instance.


API Docs

GET /user-attributes/me

User is a member

    "userId": "xxxx",
    "tier": "Supporter",
    "membershipNumber": "1234",
    "membershipJoinDate": "2017-06-26",
    "contentAccess": {
        "member": true,
        "paidMember": true,
        "recurringContributor": false,
        "digitalPack": false


User is a contributor and not a member

    "recurringContributionPaymentPlan":"Monthly Contribution",
    "contentAccess": {
        "digitalPack": false


User is not a member and not a contributor

    "message":"Not found",
    "details":"Could not find user in the database",

User is a member and a contributor

    "userId": "xxxx",
    "tier": "Supporter",
    "membershipNumber": "324154",
    "recurringContributionPaymentPlan": "Monthly Contribution",
    "membershipJoinDate": "2017-06-26",
    "contentAccess": {
        "member": true,
        "paidMember": true,
        "recurringContributor": true,
        "digitalPack": false


User has a digital pack only

    "userId": "30000549",
    "digitalSubscriptionExpiryDate": "2018-11-29",
    "contentAccess": {
        "member": false,
        "paidMember": false,
        "recurringContributor": false,
        "digitalPack": true

GET /user-attributes/me/membership

User is a member

    "userId": "xxxx",
    "tier": "Supporter",
    "membershipNumber": "1234",
    "contentAccess": {
        "member": true,
        "paidMember": true

User is a contributor and not a member

    "message":"Not found",
    "details":"User was found but they are not a member",

User is a member and contributor

    "userId": "xxxx",
    "tier": "Supporter",
    "membershipNumber": "1234",
    "contentAccess": {
        "member": true,
        "paidMember": true

User is not a member and not a contributor

    "message":"Not found",
    "details":"Could not find user in the database",

GET /user-attributes/me/features


  "adFree": true,
  "adblockMessage": false,
  "userId": "123",
  "membershipJoinDate": "2017-04-04"

SSH into instances

membership-attribute-service is installed as systemd service via .deb package.

Application instances allow SSH via SSM tunnel, not via port 22,

  1. Get fresh Janus credentials
  2. Find instance prism -f instanceName attribute code
  3. 1ssm ssh -x -i i-123456 --profile membership`
Description Command
application directory /usr/share/membership-attribute-service
service config /lib/systemd/system/membership-attribute-service.service
application logs /var/log/membership-attribute-service/membership-attribute-service.log
stdout/stderr logs journalctl -u membership-attribute-service
service status systemctl status membership-attribute-service
healthcheck curl

Enabling fine metrics

To enable fine metrics for all http calls to external services (Zuora Rest and SOAP, Salesforce, etc), set this in config (either application.conf or s3://gu-reader-revenue-private/membership/members-data-api/DEV/members-data-api.private.conf):


When set, calls to all methods / endpoints will be logged as metrics.

You can see it on these dashboards:




MMA product management and what features is user entitled to on dotcom?



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