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Knowledge Object Build Utility


Knowledge Grid Knowledge Objects for development with the Landis-Lewis Lab.


  • Knowledge Grid Activator is running locally on port 8080.
  • Ruby 2.4.1
  • Gem dependencies installed
    bundle install


  1. Build docker image
    docker build -f activator.dockerfile -t kgrid-activator-1.0.1
  2. Create/Run docker container
    docker create --name kga -p 8080:8080 kgrid-activator-1.0.1
  3. Start and test docker container
    docker start kga
    curl localhost:8080/hello/world


Build KGrid Knowledge Objects from Sources

Build all the knowledge objects

rake kobble

Loading Knowledge Objects into Activator

Load the count-spek knowledge object into the activator

rake activate['count-spek']


curl -X PUT localhost:8080/count/spek --form ko=@build/

Test the Knowledge Object

Test the hello-js knowledge object is loaded.

rake test['count-spek']


curl localhost:8080/count/spek 

Authoring New Knowledg Objects

  1. Make directory under src/
  2. Write metadata.yml
  3. Write payload
  4. Run rake task to build all knowledge objects
    rake kobble

Loading Knowledge Objects

The options for putting a knowledge object into an activator are:

  • PUT request to running Activator
  • Add to shelf directory of Activator before starting it.
  • Add to Knowledge Grid Library

PUT Knowledge Object in Running Activator

Example using a locally running activator and the kobbled hello-js knowledge object in the build/ directory.

curl -X PUT \
  http://localhost:8080/shelf/ark:/kobble/hello-js \
  -H 'accept-encoding: text/plain' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data @build/hello-js.json 


rake activate['hello-js']

The response should be:

Object ark:/kobble/hello-js added to the shelf

Test Loaded Knowledge Object

POST input data to activator with the kobject loaded

curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:8080/knowledgeObject/ark:/kobble/hello-js/result \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --data '{"name": "Alice"}'


rake test['hello-js']

The result should be

  "result": "Hello, Alice",
  "source": "",
  "metadata": {
    "arkId": {
      "arkId": "ark:/kobble/hello-js"