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good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
Automated dependency update
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
priority: critical
priority: critical
Product unusable; address immediately
priority: high
priority: high
Product functions, but there's risk of abandonment; address ASAP
priority: low
priority: low
Product enhancement
priority: medium
priority: medium
No immediate product impact, but important for roadmap
Further information is requested
status: abandoned
status: abandoned
status: accepted
status: accepted
Defect confirmed or feature endorsed for work
status: available
status: available
Open for voluntary contributions
status: blocked
status: blocked
Another issue prevents work
status: on hold
status: on hold
status: pending
status: pending
status: rejected
status: rejected
This will not be worked on.
status: review needed
status: review needed
status: revision needed
status: revision needed
type: breaking change
type: breaking change
Modifications affect or replace the public API. ⇧ Bumps the MAJOR semver.
type: build
type: build
Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies.
type: chore
type: chore
Other changes that don't modify src or test files.
type: ci
type: ci
Changes to CI configuration files and scripts.
type: defect
type: defect
Malfunctioning behavior
type: dependency
type: dependency
Update or pin a third-party library. ⇧ Bump the PATCH semver: commit with change type "fix".
type: docs
type: docs
Changes to material that provides information.
type: duplicate
type: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
type: feature
type: feature
A distinctive attribute or function that adds value. ⇧ Bumps the MINOR semver.
type: feedback
type: feedback
type: fix
type: fix
Defect repairs. ⇧ Bumps the PATCH semver.
type: performance
type: performance
type: question
type: question