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11.0.0-preview (2024-04-08)

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@grafana-delivery-bot grafana-delivery-bot released this 08 Apr 11:00
· 1848 commits to main since this release

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What's new highlights

Features and enhancements

Bug fixes

  • RBAC: Fix access checks for interactions with RBAC roles in hosted Grafana. #85520, @IevaVasiljeva
  • Keybindings: Replace mod+h as help shortcut with ? . #85449, @tskarhed
  • RBAC: Fix slow user permission search query on MySQL. #85410, @gamab
  • BrowseDashboards: Add subpath to URLs on Browse Dashboards page. #85354, @butkovv
  • Dashboards: Fix issue where long ad-hoc values broke UI. #85290, @kaydelaney
  • NodeGraph: Fix possible metadata mismatch between nodes in graph. #85261, @aocenas
  • Alerting: Fix receiver inheritance when provisioning a notification policy. #85193, @julienduchesne
  • AuthProxy: Fix missing session for ldap auth proxy users. #85136, @Jguer
  • RBAC: Fix slow user permission search query on MySQL. #85058, @gamab
  • CloudMonitoring: Only run query if filters are complete. #85004, @aangelisc
  • BrowseDashboards: Add subpath to URLs on Browse Dashboards page. #84992, @butkovv
  • Datasources: Fix expressions that reference hidden queries. #84977, @sunker
  • Canvas: Fix crash when trying to add wind turbine element. #84962, @nmarrs
  • InfluxDB: Fix alias interpolation when it has $__interval or multiple tags. #84940, @itsmylife
  • Alerting: Stop returning autogen routes for non-admin on api/v2/status. #84864, @JacobsonMT
  • Alerting: Fix broken panelId links. #84839, @gillesdemey
  • Alerting: External AM fix parsing basic auth with escape characters. #84681, @JacobsonMT
  • Alerting: Support PromQL-style matchers. #84672, @gillesdemey
  • FolderPicker: Add permission filter to nested folder picker. #84644, @joshhunt
  • RolePicker: Don't try to fetch roles for new form. #84630, @kalleep
  • Pyroscope: Fix template variable support. #84477, @aocenas
  • Scenes: Fix public dashboard email sharing section. #84467, @juanicabanas
  • Alerting: Fix AlertsFolderView not showing rules when using nested folders. #84465, @soniaAguilarPeiron
  • Jaeger: Fix flaky test. #84441, @fabrizio-grafana
  • Scenes: Fix issue with discarding unsaved changes modal in new dashboards. #84369, @kaydelaney
  • PostgreSQL: Display correct initial value for tls mode. #84356, @gabor
  • Cloudwatch: Fix issue with Grafana Assume Role. #84315, @sarahzinger
  • Playlists: Fix kiosk mode not activating when starting a playlist. #84262, @joshhunt
  • Google Cloud Monitor: Fix res being accessed after it becomes nil in promql_query.go. #84223, @adamyeats
  • Elasticsearch: Fix using of individual query time ranges when querying. #84201, @ivanahuckova
  • InfluxDB: Fix for wrong query generated with template variable and non regex operator on frontend mode. #84175, @wasim-nihal
  • Prometheus: Remove < and > from Query Builder Label Matcher operations. #83981, @kylebrandt
  • Worker: Use CorsWorker to avoid CORS issues. #83976, @ivanortegaalba
  • Tempo: Fix by operator to support multiple arguments. #83947, @fabrizio-grafana
  • Plugins Catalog: Fix plugin details page initial flickering. #83896, @leventebalogh
  • Loki: Interpolate variables in live queries. #83831, @ivanahuckova
  • Table Panel: Fix condition for showing footer options. #83801, @codeincarnate
  • Alerting: Fix bug in screenshot service using incorrect limit. #83786, @grobinson-grafana
  • Alerting: Fix editing Grafana folder via alert rule editor. #83771, @gillesdemey
  • Cloudwatch: Fix new ConfigEditor to add the custom namespace field . #83762, @idastambuk
  • LDAP: Fix LDAP users authenticated via auth proxy not being able to use LDAP active sync. #83715, @Jguer
  • Elasticsearch: Fix adhoc filters not applied in frontend mode. #83592, @svennergr
  • RBAC: Fix delete team permissions on team delete. #83442, @gamab
  • Dashboards: Fixes issue where panels would not refresh if time range updated while in panel view mode. #83418, @kaydelaney
  • AzureMonitor: Fix mishandled resources vs workspaces. #83184, @adamyeats
  • Sql: Fix an issue with connection limits not updating when jsonData is updated. #83175, @jarben
  • Alerting: Use time_intervals instead of the deprecated mute_time_intervals in a…. #83147, @soniaAguilarPeiron
  • DataFrame: Improve typing of arrayToDataFrame helper and fix null/undefined handling. #83104, @aocenas
  • Cloudwatch: Fix filter button issue in VariableEditor. #83082, @wilguo
  • Alerting: Fix panic in provisioning filter contacts by unknown name. #83070, @JacobsonMT
  • Search: Include collapsed panels in search v2. #83047, @suntala
  • Plugins: Fix loading modules that only export a default. #82299, @sd2k
  • Table: Fix units showing in footer after reductions without units. #82081, @codeincarnate
  • AuthProxy: Invalidate previous cached item for user when changes are made to any header. #81445, @klesh
  • Unit: Add SI prefix for empty unit. #79897, @raymalt
  • Variables: Multi-select DataSource variables are inconsistently displayed in the Data source picker. #76039, @polibb
  • SAML: Better error message for saml private key type errors. (Enterprise)
  • Reporting: Fix monthly schedule text and modify monthly schedule inputs behavior. (Enterprise)

Breaking changes

In 9.3 we released a way to set case_insensitive_login to true. This enables, lowercased username, login for users signing up with Grafana, for more information read our blog post.

If you encounter any issues with users signing up, we recommend everyone to use lowercase in their login, username otherwise refer to the blog post for how to solve any of the users that can be conflicting with their login/username. Issue #84972

This is a breaking change for users who use uppercase in their login or emails. The users are by default now using lowercase as part of their login and emails.

Before this code change, users would be able to still log in as either [email protected] or [email protected], users are now only able to login and signup with grafana using lowercasing [email protected].

We recommend reviewing the blog post about using the CLI and why this is important for us to consolidate our security efforts. Issue #84840

This is a breaking change for users who have restricted the default access to annotation permissions by removing annotation related actions from the Viewer or Editor basic roles. In such cases we are not able to complete the permission migration automatically, and you will see the following log in your Grafana server logs: basic role permissions missing annotation permissions, skipping annotation permission migration. You will also notice that dashboard and folder permissions do not appear in the user interface. Don't worry, all the permissions that you assigned are still there, they are just not being displayed.

We recommend reviewing what annotation permissions you have revoked from the basic roles (you can reference our documentation to see what permissions are missing). If you are fine granting them back to the basic roles, do that, then run the following data base command: DELETE FROM migration_log WHERE migration_id="managed dashboard permissions annotation actions migration" and restart Grafana. This will make sure that the annotation permission migration gets run again, and this time it should succeed.

If you are not willing to grant the annotation permissions back to the basic roles, please disable annotationPermissionUpdate feature toggle (add annotationPermissionUpdate = false to [feature_toggles] in Grafana's configuration file) and reach out to Grafana's support team. When we can learn more about your use case, we will work with you to find a solution. Issue #84787

Angular support is turned off by default starting Grafana 11, you can find all the details in a dedicated documentation page.

Special notes for your reviewer:

Please check that:

  • It works as expected from a user's perspective.
  • If this is a pre-GA feature, it is behind a feature toggle.
  • The docs are updated, and if this is a notable improvement, it's added to our What's New doc. Issue #84738

The xpack checkbox dependency for enabling the Include Frozen Indices functionality has been removed, allowing direct control over frozen indices inclusion. Users should review their datasource settings to ensure the "Include Frozen Indices" option is configured as desired, particularly if xpack was previously disabled. This change aims to simplify configuration options and may affect queries if settings are not adjusted accordingly. Issue #84734

For data sources that extend DataSourceWithBackend, the filterQuery method is now called before the data source query method. If the filterQuery method assumes that some kind of query migration happens before this method is called, you now need to do the migration inside this method.

Users of data source plugins that did not previously remove hidden queries will see a change of behaviour: Before this change, clicking the Disable query button had no impact on the query result, but starting from Grafana 11 responses associated with hidden queries will no longer be returned to the panel. Issue #84656

SystemJS is no longer exported from @grafana/runtime. Plugin developers should instead rely on importing modules / packages using standard TS import syntax and npm/yarn for package installation.

Please check that:

  • It works as expected from a user's perspective.
  • If this is a pre-GA feature, it is behind a feature toggle.
  • The docs are updated, and if this is a notable improvement, it's added to our What's New doc. Issue #84561

We've removed the Loki tab from the Tempo data source. You can still access Logs through the Loki data source or can also create a link from Tempo to Loki via our trace to logs feature. Issue #84346

The query option in splitOpen was deprecated in 10.1 and is now being removed. Issue #83973

Since #38942 (Grafana 8.2.0) the ExploreQueryFieldProps type was deprecated and is now removed. Issue #83972

Since #38942 exploreId is no longer supplied to query editors in Explore. The property was deprecated in 10.3.0 and is now removed. If your query editor needs to know from which app is being rendered, you can check the app prop in QueryEditorProps. Issue #83971

The Vector interface that was deprecated in Grafana 10 has been further deprecated. Using it will now generate build-time Typescript errors, but remain working at runtime. If you're still using ArrayVector in your code, it should be removed immediately and replaced with plain arrays. Plugins compiled against older versions and depend on calling get/set will continue to work because the Array prototype still has a modified prototype. This will be removed in the future Issue #83681

In Grafana 11 the legacy alerting reaches the end-of-life. Users cannot enable it and Grafana will refuse to start if the settings are not updated to run the new Grafana Alerting. Migration from legacy alerting is not available as well. Grafana 10.4.x is the last version that offers the migration.

  • If the setting [alerting].enable is set to true Grafana will not start and emit the log message with recommendations to change the configuration

  • Setting [alerting].max_annotation_age is replaced by [unified_alerting.state_history.annotations].max_age

  • Setting [alerting].max_annotations_to_keep is replaced by [unified_alerting.state_history.annotations].max_annotations_to_keep

  • setting [unified_alerting].execute_alerts does not fall back to the legacy [alerting].execute_alerts anymore. Instead, the default value true is used.

  • setting [unified_alerting].evaluation_timeout does not fall back to the legacy setting [alerting].evaluation_timeout_seconds in the case when it is either invalid or has the default value. Now, if the setting is invalid, it will cause Grafana to exit.

  • setting [unified_alerting].min_interval does not fall back to the legacy setting [alerting].min_interval_seconds in the case when it is either invalid or has the default value. Now, if the setting is invalid, it will cause Grafana to exit. Issue #83651

We've removed React 17 as a peer dependency from our packages. Anyone using the new versions of these packages should ensure they've upgraded to React 18 following the upgrade steps: Issue #83524

We're adding a validation between the response of the ID token HD parameter and the list of allowed domains as an extra layer of security. In the event that the HD parameter doesn't match the list of allowed domains, we're denying access to Grafana.

If you set Google OAuth configuration using api_url, you might be using the legacy implementation of OAuth, which doesn't have the HD parameter describing the organisation the approved token comes from. This could break your login flow.

This feature can be turned off through the configuration toggle validate_hd . Anyone using the legacy Google OAuth configuration should turn off this validation if the ID Token response doesn't have the HD parameter. Issue #83229

The direct input datasource plugin has been removed in Grafana 11. It has been in alpha for 4 years and is superseded by TestData that ships with Grafana.

Please check that:

  • It works as expected from a user's perspective.
  • If this is a pre-GA feature, it is behind a feature toggle.
  • The docs are updated, and if this is a notable improvement, it's added to our What's New doc. Issue #83163

The alert rule API methods now require more permissions for users to perform changes to rules. To create a new rule or update or delete an existing one, the user must have permission to read from the folder that stores the rules (i.e. permission folder:read in the scope of the rule's folder) and permission to read alert rules in that folder (i.e. permission alert.rules:read

The standard roles already have all required permissions, and therefore, neither OSS nor Grafana Enterprise users who use the fixed roles (standard roles provided by Grafana) are affected. Only Grafana Enterprise users who create custom roles can be affected Issue #78289

The deprecated endpoint for rendering pdf of a single dashboard GET /render/pdf/:dashboardID and report model fields dashboardId, dashboardName, dashboardUid, and templateVars have been removed. Only new endpoint GET /api/reports/render/pdfs accepting dashboards list is support moving forward Issue #6362

The deprecated old schedule setting with separate fields hour, minute, day have been removed. Only new schedule setting with startDate will be supported moving forward Issue #6329

The deprecated email field to send a report via /api/reports/email endpoint have been removed. Only emails field will be supported moving forward. Issue #6328

Plugin development fixes & changes