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Places Android KTX


This repository contains Kotlin extensions (KTX) for:

  1. The Places SDK for Android

It enables you to write more concise, idiomatic Kotlin.


  • Kotlin-enabled project
  • Kotlin coroutines
  • API level 21+
  • An API key


If you are using the Places SDK through Google Play Services:

dependencies {
    implementation ''

Example Usage

Accessing API responses made by PlacesClient can be retrieved using coroutines vs. using Task objects. The example here demonstrates how you can use this feature alongside with Android’s ViewModel KTX’s viewModelScope. Additionally, you can use a DSL provided by this library to construct requests vs. using builders.


val bias = RectangularBounds.newInstance(
    LatLng(22.458744, 88.208162), // SW lat, lng
    LatLng(22.730671, 88.524896) // NE lat, lng

// Create a new programmatic Place Autocomplete request in Places SDK for Android using builders
val newRequest = FindAutocompletePredictionsRequest
    .setQuery("123 Main Street")

// Perform autocomplete predictions request
placesClient.findAutocompletePredictions(newRequest).addOnSuccessListener { response ->
    // Handle response
}.addOnFailureListener { exception ->
    // Handle exception


val handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception ->
    // Handle exception

viewModelScope.launch(handler) {
    val bias: LocationBias = RectangularBounds.newInstance(
        LatLng(37.7576948, -122.4727051), // SW lat, lng
        LatLng(37.808300, -122.391338) // NE lat, lng

    // Create a new programmatic Place Autocomplete request in Places SDK for Android using DSL
    val request = findAutocompletePredictionsRequest {
        locationBias = bias
        typesFilter = listOf(PlaceTypes.ESTABLISHMENT)
        query = "123 Main Street"
        countries = listOf("US")

    // Perform autocomplete predictions request
    val response = placesClient.awaitFindAutocompletePredictions(request)
    // Handle response

Demo App

A demo application is contained within this repository that illustrates the use of this KTX library.

To run the demo app, you'll have to:

  1. Get a Places API key
  2. Update the file in your root directory called (Note: this file should NOT be under version control to protect your API key) and add a single line to that looks like PLACES_API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY", where YOUR_API_KEY is the API key you obtained in the first step. You can also take a look at the as an example.
  3. Build and run


You can learn more about all the extensions provided by this library by reading the reference documents.


Encounter an issue while using this library?

If you find a bug or have a feature request, please file an issue. Or, if you'd like to contribute, send us a pull request and refer to our code of conduct.

You can also reach us on our Discord channel.

For more information, check out the detailed guide on the Google Developers site.