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ExeDec: Execution Decomposition for Compositional Generalization in Neural Program Synthesis

This repository provides code and datasets associated with our research paper published at ICLR'24 (OpenReview).

In this paper, we describe different forms of compositional generalization that are desirable in program synthesis and introduce datasets for measuring them. We also present ExeDec, a decomposition-based approach to program synthesis achieving higher compositional generalization on two domains compared to prior approaches, when applied to LLMs and small Transformers trained from scratch.


No installation is needed to use our test datasets which are provided as *.jsonl files.

To generate training data or more test data, you will need to install NumPy, TensorFlow, and Abseil Python:

pip install numpy tensorflow absl-py

To run our trained model checkpoints or train new models, you will additionally need JAX and Flax. Note, you may need to alter the JAX installation depending on your desired platform.

pip install flax==0.5.3
pip install jax==0.3.25 jaxlib==0.3.25 -f

The LLM experiments require TensorFlow and tqdm:

pip install tensorflow tqdm


The ICLR'24 paper includes experiments in two domains, DeepCoder and RobustFill. Within each domain, there are 6 different train/test splits, including 5 forms of compositional generalization relevant to programming (LENGTH_GENERALIZATION, COMPOSE_DIFFERENT_CONCEPTS, SWITCH_CONCEPT_ORDER, COMPOSE_NEW_OP, and ADD_OP_FUNCTIONALITY), and a scenario where no generalization is required (NONE).

For convenience and reproducibility, we provide the test datasets used in the ICLR'24 experiments:

  • data/test_data/ contains test problems for the experiments on small Transformers trained from scratch, in JSON Lines format. This same data is also provided in TFRecords format in a Google Cloud Storage bucket, because the TFRecords format is more convenient for use with our scripts for evaluating these small Transformers.

  • data/llm_data/ contains test problems and few-shot examples for the LLM experiments, also in JSON Lines format.

data/ contains details about the data contents and provides helpful utility functions for parsing and evaluating programs in the dataset.

Generating new data

We additionally provide scripts to generate new train and test data (in TFRecords format) for the DeepCoder and RobustFill DSLs, according to the different compositional generalization splits:

bash tasks/deepcoder/dataset/
bash tasks/robust_fill/dataset/

By default the scripts generate small datasets locally just for testing purposes, but you can edit the scripts to generate larger datasets.

These scripts parallelize data generation on a single machine using multiprocessing. You may instead use a cloud computing platform to coordinate multiple CPU workers so that each CPU worker directly calls tasks/deepcoder/dataset/ or tasks/robust_fill/dataset/ with appropriate command-line flags.

Training new models

To train new models, first generate training data as described above. Then, the following scripts will launch new training runs:

bash spec_decomposition/
bash spec_decomposition/

However, you will likely need to edit the scripts to use ML accelerators with your preferred cloud computing platform. The scripts invoke with appropriate command-line flags, so you could alternatively use a different mechanism to run in a similar way.

Trained model checkpoints

We provide checkpoints for the Transformer models trained from scratch in a Google Cloud Storage bucket, gs://exedec. We include checkpoints for the ExeDec, Ablation, and Transformer Baseline approaches as described in the paper, trained on each dataset with 5 random initializations.

Evaluating trained checkpoints

To run evaluations using model checkpoints, refer to the following scripts:

bash spec_decomposition/
bash spec_decomposition/

However, you will likely need to edit the scripts to use ML accelerators with your preferred cloud computing platform, and to point to the correct data and checkpoint locations. The scripts invoke with appropriate command-line flags, so you could alternatively use a different mechanism to run in a similar way.

LLM experiments

To run LLM experiments, please see spec_decomposition/, where you will need to implement query_llm to call your desired LLM.

Then, run the file from the exedec directory, changing the command-line flags as desired:

python spec_decomposition/ \
    --model=favorite_llm --prompt_format=exedec

Note: the LLM experiments will run untrusted Python code that is generated by the LLM. Thus, we strongly recommend running such experiments in a Docker container, VM, or similar secure environment.

Other notes

It may help to know the following, when navigating and interpreting the code:

  • The paper's "Execution Decomposition" technique is instead called "spec_decomposition" in the code.
  • The paper's "SubgoalModel" is instead called "SpecDecomposerModel" in the code.
  • The paper's "CombinedModel" (used in the no-subgoal ablation) is instead called "JointModel" in the code.

Citing this work

If you use our datasets or code, please cite our ICLR'24 paper:

      title={{ExeDec}: Execution Decomposition for Compositional Generalization in Neural Program Synthesis},
      author={Kensen Shi and Joey Hong and Yinlin Deng and Pengcheng Yin and Manzil Zaheer and Charles Sutton},
      booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},

License and disclaimer

Copyright 2024 DeepMind Technologies Limited

All software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (Apache 2.0); you may not use this file except in compliance with the Apache 2.0 license. You may obtain a copy of the Apache 2.0 license at:

All other materials are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY). You may obtain a copy of the CC-BY license at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, all software and materials distributed here under the Apache 2.0 or CC-BY licenses are distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the licenses for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under those licenses.

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