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gojuukaze edited this page Aug 27, 2022 · 1 revision


start workflow

ser := ytask.Server.NewServer(...)
client:= ser.GetClient()

tId, _ := client.Workflow().
            Send("group1", "add", 123, 44).
            Send("group1", "add").

tId, _ = client.Workflow().
            SetTaskCtl(client.RunAfter, 2*time.Second).
            Send("group1", "add", 123, 44).
            SetTaskCtl(client.ExpireTime, time.Now()).
            Send("group1", "add").

get workflow result

You can use GetResult() to get the return value of the last task.

You can also use GetResult2() to get the running progress of the workflow.

result, err := client.GetResult2(id, time.Second*2, time.Millisecond*300)

// workflow has not started
if yerrors.IsEqual(err, yerrors.ErrTypeTimeOut) { 
	// ...

// status: waiting , running , success , failure , expired , abort
for name, status:= range result.Workflow{
	fmt.Println(name, status)