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experimental version, not able to compile most Go code correctly.

If you want to use working Golang libraries easily, try out the new: go2hxlibs

Compile Go to Haxe.

What is supported?

  • A few std libs (compatibility).
  • No support for Cgo and Go assembly
  • 95% of the normal language features


haxelib git go2hx

Run compiler on a file:

haxelib run go2hx ./main.go

Run compiler on a library:


Almost all libs will not work yet, because of missing stdlib support.

haxelib run go2hx


A spiritual successor to Tardisgo written by Elliott Stoneham, A maintainer, mentor, and code contribuitor of this project. Elliott's wise counsel, solid engineering design, and effective programming is the core of this project and go2hx would not exist without him.


Commands in this documentation such as: haxe and haxelib may have npx as a prefix, that's because in those cases the command is using the local npm package lix to run Haxe, this is optional and if you would like to use non lix commands that's supported as well.

Setup from source

git clone
npm i lix
npx lix download
cd go2hx
haxelib dev go2hx .

Now you can run the compiler, for example:

npx haxelib run go2hx ./main.go 


Look at Run.hx to see how the building occurs.

Using the compiler development environment

After you have setup from source and ran the compiler at least once you should be able to use the dev tools, here is the list and how they work.

  • npx haxe rnd.hxml : rnd stands for research and development, it's a quirky name for a test bed that runs ./rnd/main.go use it for rapid testing of go snippets and comparison with go output.

  • npx haxe stdgo.hxml : (requires nodejs) go's standard library generator, all std pkgs compiled are added into ./stdgo/* for generating specific std go libs use the -D libs flag. For example to compile unicode/utf8 and strings run: npx haxe stdgo.hxml -D libs=unicode/utf8,strings

  • npx tests.hxml && hl tests.hl [suite] : (requires hashlink) A multi suite test runner with a built in regression tracker, used primarily by github actions to test for progression and regression of every commit to the project. [suite] can be any of the following added as an argument: unit, stdgo, yaegi, gobyexample, go . For example npx tests.hxml && hl tests.hl stdgo . Note && separates out 2 arguments for unix for windows you may need to use ||

  • npx haxe stdgo/[std].hxml --[target] : A series of hxml files created by running the stdgo test suite. Every stdlib listed in ./tests.json has an hxml file created at ./stdgo root folder. For example to run unicode/utf16 with the interp target : npx haxe stdgo/unicode_utf16.hxml --interp