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xim is means The extra indexer for map. inspired by xian.
Package generates Indexes and Filters to search NoSQL Firestore.

It's designed especially for Google Cloud Firestore and firestore-repo. (firestore-repo is firestore-model generator)

However, it doesn't depend on any specific Firestore APIs so that you may be able to use for some other NoSQL databases which support list-property and merge-join.



  • prefix/suffix/partial match search
  • IN search
  • reduce composite indexes(esp. for Cloud Firestore)


  • Search latency can increase depending on its result-set size and filter condition.
  • Index storage size can be bigger especially with long text prefix/suffix/partial match.


Code example is for Cloud Firestore.


$ go get -u


var bookIndexesConfig = xim.MustValidateConfig(&xim.Config{
	IgnoreCase:         true, // search case-insensitive
	SaveNoFiltersIndex: true, // always save 'NoFilters' index

// configure IN-filter
var statusInBuilder *xim.InBuilder = xim.NewInBuilder()

var (
    BookStatusUnpublished  = statusInBuilder.NewBit()
    BookStatusPublished    = statusInBuilder.NewBit()
    BookStatusDiscontinued = statusInBuilder.NewBit()

This configuration should be used to initialize both Indexes and Filters.

Label Constants

Define common labels for both Indexes and Filters.
Constants are not necessary but recommended.
Short label names would make index size smaller.

const (
	BookQueryLabelTitlePartial = "ti"
	BookQueryLabelTitlePrefix  = "tp"
	BookQueryLabelTitleSuffix  = "ts"
	BookQueryLabelIsHobby      = "h"
	BookQueryLabelStatusIN     = "s"
	BookQueryLabelPriceRange   = "pr"

Save indexes

idxs := xim.NewIndexes(bookIndexesConfig)

idxs.AddBigrams(BookQueryLabelTitlePartial, book.Title)
idxs.AddBiunigrams(BookQueryLabelTitlePartial, book.Title)
idxs.AddPrefixes(BookQueryLabelTitlePrefix, book.Title)
idxs.AddSuffixes(BookQueryLabelTitleSuffix, book.Title)
idxs.AddSomething(BookQueryLabelIsHobby, book.Category == "sports" || book.Category == "cooking")
idxs.Add(BookQueryLabelStatusIN, statusInBuilder.Indexes(BookStatusUnpublished)...)

switch {
case book.Price < 3000:
	idxs.Add(BookQueryLabelPriceRange, "p<3000")
case book.Price < 5000:
	idxs.Add(BookQueryLabelPriceRange, "3000<=p<5000")
case book.Price < 10000:
	idxs.Add(BookQueryLabelPriceRange, "5000<=p<10000")
	idxs.Add(BookQueryLabelPriceRange, "10000<=p")

// build and set indexes to the book's property
var err error
book.Indexes, err = idxs.Build()
if err != nil {
	// error handling

// save book

Search (example of Cloud Firestore)

q := firestore.Query{}

filters := NewFilters(bookIndexesConfig).
    AddSomething(BookQueryLabelIsHolly, true).
    Add(BookQueryLabelStatusIN, statusInBuilder.Filter(BookStatusUnpublished, BookStatusPublished)).
    Add(BookQueryLabelPriceRange, "5000<=p<10000").
    AddBigrams(BookQueryLabelTitlePartial, title).
    AddBiunigrams(BookQueryLabelTitlePartial, title).
    AddSuffix(BookQueryLabelTitleSuffix, title)

built, err := filters.Build()
if err != nil {
    // error handling

for idx := range built {
    q = q.WherePath(firestore.FieldPath{"Indexes", idx}, "==", true)

// query books