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golog is a logger for the Go programming language.

Logging Levels

The logging levels shown below are provided by this logger, and are colorized if the logger is initialized with colorize = true.

  • Info ( Presented in the terminal's native colors )
  • Debug ( green text on the terminal's native background )
  • Warning ( yellow text on the terminal's native background )
  • Error ( red text on the terminal's native background )
  • Fatal ( white text on a red background )
  • Panic ( white text on a red background )

Logging Modes

The logger may be set up to run in the three modes listed below. These modes are defined in logging_output_modes.go:

  • ModeScreen - Output logs to STDOUT
  • ModeFile - Output logs to a user provided file
  • ModeBoth - Output logs to both STDOUT and a user provided file

Startup Actions

Upon initialization of the logger, the user may specify what to do with an existing log file if the user has specified ModeFile or ModeBoth as their logging mode.

The following actions may be taken. These actions are defined in logging_file_actions.go:

  • FileActionAppend - If the log file to which the user is writing already exists, add new logs onto it
  • FileActionCompress - If the log file to which the user is writing already exists, compress it into a .gz file
  • FileActionDelete - If the log file to which the user is writing already exists, delete it

The user may also specify FileActionNone. For now, this is logically equivalent to passing in FileAppend.


The logger is a structure that may be initialized by the functions defined below

Raw Initializaion

The following arguments are passed in during initialization by calling SetupLoggerFromFields:

  • logMode (LoggingOutputMode) - The mode the logger will operate in, as described in Logging Modes
  • logFileStartupAction (LoggingFileAction) - Startup action taken by the logger as described in section Startup Actions
  • logDirectory (string) - If logMode is Both or File, this is the directory to which the logger will write logs.
  • logFile (string) - If the logMode is Both or File, this is the file to which the logger will write logs.
  • shouldColorize (bool) - If set to true logging will be colorized as described in section Logging Modes.
  • isMock (bool) - If set to true all filesystem ops will be stubbed by a fake filesystem as defined by afero
  • isAsynch (bool) - If set to true perform all logging asynchly in a seperate goroutine

For example:

logger := golog.SetupLoggerFromFields(golog.ModeBoth, golog.FileActionNone, "/path/to/log/file", "file.log", true, false, true)

Initialization From Struct

The logger may be initialized by creating a LoggingConfig struct and passing it to SetupLoggerFromStruct.

The definition for the struct is shown below:

type LoggingConfig struct {
	Name                 string            // The logger profile name
	LogMode              LoggingOutputMode // The logging mode
	LogFileStartupAction LoggingFileAction // The action the logger will take on startup
	LogDirectory         string            // The directory to which the logger writes
	LogFile              string            // The name of the log file to write to
	ShouldColorize       bool              // Indicates if we should output information in color
	IsMock               bool              // If true, mock the filesystem via 'afero'
	IsAsynch             bool              // If true, Asynchly handle log requests

A sample initialization would thus be as follows:

config := golog.LoggingConfig{LogMode: golog.Both, LogDirectory: "/dir/to/my/go/project", LogFile: "important.log", ShouldColorize: true, IsMock: false, IsAsynch: true}
logger := golog.SetupLoggerFromStruct(&config)

Initialization From JSON File

The logger may be initialized by specifying the path to a JSON file that contains its definition to SetupLoggerFromConfigFile along with the configuration profile name name. The name is what you have chosen to name a current configuration.

A sample configuration file containing 3 profiles is shown below. Note how each entry has a configuration name name.

	"name": "test1",
	"logMode": 1,                            // ModeFile
	"logFileStartupAction": 1,               // FileActionAppend
	"logDirectory": "/dir/to/my/go/project",
	"logFile": "test1.log",
	"shouldColorize": true,
	"isMock": true,
	"isAsynch": false
}, {
	"name": "test2",
	"logMode": 2,                            // ModeScreen 
	"logFileStartupAction": 2,               // FileActionCompress
	"logDirectory": "/dir/to/my/go/project",
	"logFile": "test2.log",
	"shouldColorize": true,
	"isMock": false,
	"isAsynch": false
}, {
	"name": "test3",
	"logMode": 3,                            // ModeBoth
	"logFileStartupAction": 3,               // FileActionDelete
	"logDirectory": "/dir/to/my/go/project",
	"logFile": "test3.log",
	"shouldColorize": true,
	"isMock": true,
	"isAsynch": true

If we wanted to initialize a logger to have the profile of test1, we would do the following:

var profile = "test1"
var configFile = "/path/to/my/config/config.json"
logger := golog.SetupLoggerFromConfigFile(configFile, profile)


logger for the Go programming language








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