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Angola Open-source Community Mentorship Program
api 📦
api :package:
bug 🐛
bug :bug:
Issues reporting about the core
Pull requests that update a dependency file
feature request ⚡
feature request :zap:
A new feature sugestion/request
hacktoberfest :octocat: 🌊
hacktoberfest :octocat: :ocean:
DigitalOcean + GitHub open source initiative
help wanted 🆘
help wanted :sos:
Needing help to complete a task or fix a bug
invalid 🚫
invalid :no_entry_sign:
An invalid or a feature that we don't plan to add in our scope
jwt-auth 🔑
jwt-auth :key:
Bug or feature related to system authentication
question ❓
question :question:
Question about the core features or even bugs
resolved 🚀
resolved :rocket:
The bug have been fixed or the feature was successful added to the core
test 🛢️ 🔍
test :oil_drum: :mag:
Issues that requires test to make sure everything works good