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git clone && cd cyber*
sudo docker-compose --file dockerfiles/kalilinux/docker-compose-kali.yml up -d
sudo docker-compose --file dockerfiles/kalilinux/docker-compose-kali.yml ps
sudo docker-compose --file dockerfiles/kalilinux/docker-compose-kali.yml stop
sudo docker-compose --file dockerfiles/kalilinux/docker-compose-kali.yml down -v

sudo docker-compose --file dockerfiles/kalilinux/kali-top10.yml up -d
sudo docker-compose --file dockerfiles/kalilinux/kali-top10.yml ps
sudo docker-compose --file dockerfiles/kalilinux/kali-top10.yml stop
sudo docker-compose --file dockerfiles/kalilinux/kali-top10.yml down -v

sudo docker exec --tty --interactive kali /bin/bash
sudo docker exec --tty --interactive parrotsec-core /bin/bash

$ sudo docker network ls                                                                                                                                                                                     1 ⚙
NETWORK ID     NAME                   DRIVER    SCOPE
1323dfeda3cc   bridge                 bridge    local
e2813428d7f9   host                   host      local
02d8030c4160   kalilinux_cyberrange   bridge    local
ba6d86b28557   none                   null      localidge    local
ba6d86b28557   none                   null      local

$ sudo docker network inspect kalilinux_cyberrange
sudo docker exec -it kali-top10 bash

sudo docker exec -it kali-top10 nmap
sudo docker exec kali-top10 nmap
browse dvwa http://VAGRANT_HOST_IP
the default credentials (admin/password)
Login failed
You have logged in as 'admin'

kali cyberrange CI workflow

      Name                     Command                       State                            Ports                  
bodgeit    run                  Up                      8080/tcp                                
cloudgoat           /bin/bash                        Up                                                              
dvwa                /                         Up            >80/tcp,:::80->80/tcp        
kali                /bin/bash                        Up                                                              
metasploitable      /bin/sh                          Up                                                              
owasp-juice-shop npm start   Up            >3000/tcp,:::3000->3000/tcp
parrotsec-core      /bin/sh -c bash $@               Up                                                              
postgresql postgres    Up            >5432/tcp,:::5432->5432/tcp
webgoat             /bin/sh -c /bin/bash /home ...   Up                      8080/tcp, 9090/tcp                      
zap2docker-stable   bash                             Up (health: starting)                                           
zap2docker-weekly   bash                             Up (health: starting)    

########################### METAPACKAGE INFO ###########################

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

  Depends: afflib-tools
  Depends: apktool
  Depends: autopsy
  Depends: binwalk
  Depends: bulk-extractor
  Depends: bytecode-viewer
  Depends: cabextract
  Depends: chkrootkit
  Depends: creddump7
  Depends: dc3dd
  Depends: dcfldd
  Depends: ddrescue
  Depends: dumpzilla
  Depends: edb-debugger
  Depends: ewf-tools
  Depends: exifprobe
  Depends: exiv2
  Depends: ext3grep
  Depends: ext4magic
  Depends: extundelete
  Depends: fcrackzip
  Depends: firmware-mod-kit
  Depends: foremost
  Depends: forensic-artifacts
  Depends: forensics-colorize
  Depends: galleta
  Depends: gdb
  Depends: gpart
  Depends: gparted
  Depends: grokevt
  Depends: guymager
  Depends: hashdeep
  Depends: inetsim
  Depends: jadx
  Depends: javasnoop
  Depends: libhivex-bin
  Depends: <lime-forensics>
  Depends: lvm2
  Depends: lynis
  Depends: mac-robber
  Depends: magicrescue
  Depends: <md5deep>
  Depends: mdbtools
  Depends: memdump
  Depends: metacam
  Depends: missidentify
  Depends: myrescue
  Depends: nasm
  Depends: nasty
  Depends: ollydbg
  Depends: p7zip-full
  Depends: parted
  Depends: pasco
  Depends: pdfid
  Depends: pdf-parser
  Depends: pev
  Depends: plaso
  Depends: polenum
  Depends: pst-utils
  Depends: python3-capstone
  Depends: python3-dfdatetime
  Depends: python3-dfvfs
  Depends: python3-dfwinreg
  Depends: python3-distorm3
  Depends: radare2
  Depends: radare2-cutter
  Depends: recoverdm
  Depends: recoverjpeg
  Depends: reglookup
  Depends: regripper
  Depends: rephrase
  Depends: rifiuti
  Depends: rifiuti2
  Depends: rkhunter
  Depends: rsakeyfind
  Depends: safecopy
  Depends: samdump2
  Depends: scalpel
  Depends: scrounge-ntfs
  Depends: sleuthkit
  Depends: smali
  Depends: sqlitebrowser
  Depends: ssdeep
  Depends: tcpdump
  Depends: tcpflow
  Depends: tcpick
  Depends: tcpreplay
  Depends: truecrack
  Depends: undbx
  Depends: unhide
 |Depends: unrar
  Depends: unar
  Depends: upx-ucl
  Depends: vinetto
  Depends: wce
  Depends: winregfs
  Depends: wireshark
  Depends: xmount
  Depends: xplico
  Depends: yara
  Conflicts: <pdfbook>

top 10 kali cyberrange CI workflow

########################### METAPACKAGE INFO ###########################

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

  Depends: aircrack-ng
  Depends: burpsuite
  Depends: crackmapexec
  Depends: hydra
  Depends: john
  Depends: metasploit-framework
  Depends: nmap
  Depends: responder
  Depends: sqlmap
  Depends: wireshark

parrotsec cyberrange CI workflow

        Name                      Command                       State                            Ports                  
bodgeit       run                  Up                      8080/tcp                                
cloudgoat              /bin/bash                        Up                                                              
dvwa                   /                         Up            >80/tcp,:::80->80/tcp        
kali                   /bin/bash                        Up                                                              
metasploitable         /bin/sh                          Up                                                              
owasp-juice-shop npm start   Up            >3000/tcp,:::3000->3000/tcp
parrotsec-beef         /bin/sh -c / $@           Up                                                              
parrotsec-bettercap    /bin/sh -c bettercap $@          Up                                                              
parrotsec-core         /bin/sh -c bash $@ /bin/bash     Up                                                              
parrotsec-metasploit   /bin/sh -c /msfconsole-sta ...   Up                                                              
parrotsec-nmap         /bin/sh -c nmap $@               Exit 255                                                        
parrotsec-security     /bin/sh -c bash $@               Up                                                              
parrotsec-set          /bin/sh -c setoolkit $@          Up                                                              
parrotsec-sqlmap       /bin/sh -c sqlmap $@             Exit 2                                                          
postgresql    postgres    Up            >5432/tcp,:::5432->5432/tcp
webgoat                /bin/sh -c /bin/bash /home ...   Up                      8080/tcp, 9090/tcp                      
zap2docker-stable      bash                             Up (health: starting)                                           
zap2docker-weekly      bash                             Up (health: starting)                                                                   

########################### METAPACKAGE INFO ###########################

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

  Depends: afflib-tools
  Depends: apktool
  Depends: autopsy
  Depends: binwalk
  Depends: bulk-extractor
  Depends: bytecode-viewer
  Depends: cabextract
  Depends: chkrootkit
  Depends: creddump7
  Depends: dc3dd
  Depends: dcfldd
  Depends: ddrescue
  Depends: dumpzilla
  Depends: edb-debugger
  Depends: ewf-tools
  Depends: exifprobe
  Depends: exiv2
  Depends: ext3grep
  Depends: ext4magic
  Depends: extundelete
  Depends: fcrackzip
  Depends: firmware-mod-kit
  Depends: foremost
  Depends: forensic-artifacts
  Depends: forensics-colorize
  Depends: galleta
  Depends: gdb
  Depends: gpart
  Depends: gparted
  Depends: grokevt
  Depends: guymager
  Depends: hashdeep
  Depends: inetsim
  Depends: jadx
  Depends: javasnoop
  Depends: libhivex-bin
  Depends: <lime-forensics>
  Depends: lvm2
  Depends: lynis
  Depends: mac-robber
  Depends: magicrescue
  Depends: <md5deep>
  Depends: mdbtools
  Depends: memdump
  Depends: metacam
  Depends: missidentify
  Depends: myrescue
  Depends: nasm
  Depends: nasty
  Depends: ollydbg
  Depends: p7zip-full
  Depends: parted
  Depends: pasco
  Depends: pdfid
  Depends: pdf-parser
  Depends: pev
  Depends: plaso
  Depends: polenum
  Depends: pst-utils
  Depends: python3-capstone
  Depends: python3-dfdatetime
  Depends: python3-dfvfs
  Depends: python3-dfwinreg
  Depends: python3-distorm3
  Depends: radare2
  Depends: radare2-cutter
  Depends: recoverdm
  Depends: recoverjpeg
  Depends: reglookup
  Depends: regripper
  Depends: rephrase
  Depends: rifiuti
  Depends: rifiuti2
  Depends: rkhunter
  Depends: rsakeyfind
  Depends: safecopy
  Depends: samdump2
  Depends: scalpel
  Depends: scrounge-ntfs
  Depends: sleuthkit
  Depends: smali
  Depends: sqlitebrowser
  Depends: ssdeep
  Depends: tcpdump
  Depends: tcpflow
  Depends: tcpick
  Depends: tcpreplay
  Depends: truecrack
  Depends: undbx
  Depends: unhide
 |Depends: unrar
  Depends: unar
  Depends: upx-ucl
  Depends: vinetto
  Depends: wce
  Depends: winregfs
  Depends: wireshark
  Depends: xmount
  Depends: xplico
  Depends: yara
  Conflicts: <pdfbook>

parrotsec vulnerability  cyberrange CI workflow

vulnerable web-application

Damn Vulnerable Web Application (PHP/MySQL)

Metasploitable3 is a VM that is built from the ground up with a large amount of security vulnerabilities.

Mutillidae (PHP)
OWASP Mutillidae II is a free, open source, deliberately vulnerable web-application providing a target for web-security enthusiast. Mutillidae can be installed on Linux and Windows using LAMP, WAMP, and XAMMP. It is pre-installed on SamuraiWTF and OWASP BWA.

NodeGoat (Node)
The OWASP NodeGoat project provides an environment to learn how OWASP Top 10 security risks apply to web applications developed using Node.js and how to effectively address them.

WebGoat (Web App)
WebGoat.Net (.NET)
WebGoatPHP (PHP)
WebGoat is a deliberately insecure application

OWASP Juice Shop (NodeJS/Angular)
OWASP Juice Shop: Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application.

RailsGoat (Rails)
A vulnerable version of Rails that follows the OWASP Top 10.

vulnerable VMs

Windows virtual machines for Malware Analysis and Software Reverse Engineering

This project is not a vulnerable application. It is a framework designed for quickly configuring training virtual machines with tools and vulnerable application targets. For example, an instructor could use SamuraiWTF to easily set up a classroom virtual machine image containing OWASP ZAP and OWASP Juice Shop, and then distribute it to each student.

Linux toolkit for reverse-engineering and analyzing malicious software

Tsurugi Linux is a DFIR open source project that is and will be totally free, independent, without involving any commercial brand


This repository contains Dockerfiles for building Docker images of popular malware analysis tools, which are distributed through the REMnux repository on Docker Hub is a free, safe and legal training ground for hackers to test and expand their ethical hacking skills with challenges, CTFs,

Virtual Machines

Metasploit helps security teams do more than just verify vulnerabilities, manage security assessments, and improve security awareness

This codelab shows how web application vulnerabilities can be exploited and how to defend against these attacks. The best way to learn things is by doing, so you'll get a chance to do some real penetration testing, actually exploiting a real application


Collection of scripts and resources for DevSecOps and Automated Incident Response Security

The tool to help you discover resources in the cloud environment

Read your tfstate or HCL to generate a graph specific for each provider, showing only the resources that are most important/relevant.

cloudquery transforms your cloud infrastructure into SQL or Graph database for easy monitoring, governance and security

A very vulnerable serverless application in AWS Lambda