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ByteFrost Specifications

Gil Keidar edited this page Nov 29, 2022 · 7 revisions

Here is a general overview of the capabilities and features of the ByteFrost computer:


  • Built from scratch using breadboards and integrated circuits
  • RISC-inspired instruction set with a maximum of 32 opcodes (currently 20 in use), with each instruction being 2 bytes
  • Uses EEPROMs for non-volatile memory (store microcode and program code)
  • Clock controlled by a potentiometer - clock speed ranges from ?? (minimum) Hz to about 430 kHz
  • Has power-on reset
  • Buttons for halt, continue, reset, and single-step (one clock-cycle)
  • Register File comprises of 4 8-bit registers
  • 8-bit data bus
  • Three 8-bit address spaces, one for instruction memory (i.e. program counter address), one for program memory (i.e. RAM), and one for stack memory
  • Has a 4 row, 20 column LCD display (using an Arduino Nano as a video card)


The ByteFrost computer has a 4 row, 20 column LCD display. To simplify printing to the display, an Arduino Nano is used to convert display instructions from the ByteFrost to the display. This allows the use of a dedicated instruction, OUT, to print an ASCII character or the value of a register to the display, instead of needing to create a display library in the ByteFrost's instruction memory EEPROM.

General Specifications

Stat ByteFrost Capability
Clock Speed Maximum ~430 kHz
Data Bus Size 8 bits
Memory Address Size 8 bits (planned expansion to 16 bits)
Program Address Size 8 bits (planned expansion to 16 bits)
Stack Size 256 bytes
Register File Four 8-bit Registers
Instruction Size 16 bits
Display 4 rows, 20 column display
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