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fotoblog_v1 Episodes List DjangoSeries 🤓️

Hi, this is all about Django , a web framework for perfectionists with deadlines!

Django is a full-stack, open-source Python framework designed for efficient web development.

This is learning by doing: I am using openclassrooms, a leading E-learning Platform!:rocket:

Go to django-web-app Site Course

A photography collective is looking for 
a way to share its work with the world. 
They want to be able to upload their photos 
online and also create blog posts about them. 

They have asked you, a Django developer, 
to build a web application that allows them to do just that. 
They need to have two tiers of users - subscribers and creators - 
and ensure that only the creators can create content. 
This content then needs to be shared in a social feed,
with subscribers choosing which creators they want to follow.

The material, to understand Django framework, is envisaged as follows:

Epi #1 - Environment setup; Deploy proj/apps; git repo init.
Epi #2 - soon...

I versioned every advance I made during the course (Episode.01, Episode.02 and so on).

Go to tags and download each working code package.

BTW, You're more then welcome to visit my Web Pages:

🤩️Jungletronics🤩️ (Python, C, Arduino, RasPi, PIC, Eagle, Blender, and more) 😍️KidsTronics😍️ (MIT App Inventor, Geogebra, LEGO, Pixy, Unity3D, Arduino For Kids, and more)

HOW TO Install on VSCode (Version 1.76.1)

Go to your command propt and paste this mini-script:

mkdir fotoblog
cd fotoblog
python -m venv ENV
source ENV/bin/activate
pip install django
pip freeze > requirement.txt
code .

Open a Teminal inside VS Code, type:

git branch -M dev

source /home/j3/fotoblog/ENV/bin/activate

python -m pip install pillow

python -m pip install -U mypy

Now in Source Control Tag (Ctlr+Shift+G) clone from:

[email protected]:giljr/fotoblog_v1.git

Again open the Terminal, type:

python createsuperuser
(note: use real email ;)

Follow the screen instructions

Now to deal with image type:

pip install pillow

Then migrate:

python migrate


python runserver

One last step to see user in admin console:

open authenticate/ type:

from django.contrib import admin
from authenticate.models import User

Points browser to localhost:8000/admin

Congratulations! You Django Project is up and running!

For a quick start Django Vscode lesson, go to this post.

FotoBlog: Episodes & A List of sites visited for This Project:

FotoBlog v1.0 - Episode #01

Step-by-Step list of tasks:

   1- Environment setup;

   2- Deploy Project & Apps;

   3- Git repo init.

FotoBlog - v1.0: Episode #02

Step-by-step list of tasks:

   1- Use Custom Model;

   2- Config Django to use Custom User;

   3- Run the Migration.

FotoBlog - v1.0: Episode #03

Step-by-step list of tasks:

   1- Explaining how password reset functionality works;

   2- Modifying fotoblog/ file;

   3- Modifying fotoblog/ file

   4- Creating 5 htmls file at templates/registration;

   5- Routing at localhost:8000/accounts/ dirs.

FotoBlog - v1.0: Episode #04

Step-by-step list of tasks:

   1- BrainStorming The Project with

   2- Designing a website - General overview;

   3- Describing common practices when it comes to authentication and registration procedures

   4- Modifying fotoblog/;

   5- Editing fotoblog/ adn blog/

   6- Working with Templates

   7- Testing the Authentication System via Provider GitHub

Episode.05: soon...