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Matt Chmielewski edited this page May 3, 2024 · 2 revisions

Meet Gildsmith

Welcome to Gildsmith—our love letter from developers to developers. It's an e-commerce platform that's all about enriching your dev experience, steering clear of the hassles you might've faced with other open-source platforms. Wink, wink.

Built on the robust Laravel framework, Gildsmith leverages everything Laravel has to offer. From the eloquent Eloquent ORM to seamless integration with Vite, we've crafted an environment that's nothing short of splendid.

How is Gildsmith different?

  • No Cutting Corners: Unlike many platforms designed with budget hosting in mind, Gildsmith doesn't compromise. We go beyond the basic PHP and MySQL stack. Dive into our tech pool that includes Elasticsearch, Redis, and MongoDB—just to start.

  • Designed for Simplicity: Our packages are as straightforward as they get. We keep things simple to ensure you spend more time coding and less time untangling unnecessary complexities.

  • Modularity at Its Best: Both frontend and backend components are modular, minimising code dependencies. This setup encourages flexibility and simplifies updates and maintenance.

  • Team-Friendly: With a clear division between frontend and backend, your teams can develop features independently without stepping on each other's toes. Plus, our pre-configured Sail environment means you can say goodbye to installation headaches.

  • Fully Documented: Say farewell to the guessing games and the endless debugging sessions. Our comprehensive documentation covers everything, giving you the insights you need right at your fingertips.



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