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This repository contains CodeBuild scripts to run infrastructure as code using Terraform on AWS, with configurations for the development (dev) and staging (stag) environments.

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Terraform IaC DevOps using AWS CodePipeline


Description Details:

In this repository, you will find CodeBuild scripts that automate the execution of Terraform to deploy infrastructure on AWS. The scripts are configured to work with the development (dev) and staging (stag) environments, making it easier to create and manage resources on the AWS cloud in a reproducible and secure manner.

Key Features:

Configurations for Development (dev) and Staging (stag) environments. Use of Terraform version 0.15.3. Deployment of resources such as VPC, ASG, ALB, Route53, ACM, Security Groups, and SNS. Secure handling of AWS environment variables and credentials. Steps Performed in the CodeBuild Scripts: Terraform Installation:

Download and configure Terraform version 0.15.3.

Pre_build phase:

Preparation for Terraform execution.

Build phase:

Navigate to the Terraform manifest directory.

Initialize Terraform with specific configurations for dev or stag. Validate Terraform configuration files. Plan changes to be made to the infrastructure. Apply changes to the infrastructure according to the specified command (apply or destroy). Post_build phase:

Completion of Terraform execution.

These scripts serve as a practical guide for implementing infrastructure as code on AWS using Terraform, enabling efficient and scalable management of cloud resources.

IaC DevOps using AWS CodePipeline

Step-00: Introduction

  1. Terraform Backend with backend-config
  2. How to create multiple environments related Pipeline with single TF Config files in Terraform ?
  3. As part of Multiple environments we are going to create dev and stag environments
  4. We are going build IaC DevOps Pipelines using
  • AWS CodeBuild
  • AWS CodePipeline
  • Github
  1. We are going to streamline the terraform-manifests taken from section-15 and streamline that to support Multiple environments.





Step-01: Copy terraform-manifests from Section-15

  • Copy terraform-manifests from Section-15 15-Autoscaling-with-Launch-Templates
  • Update private-key\terraform-key.pem with your private key with same name.

Step-02: - Terraform Backends

Step-02-01 Add backend block as below

  # Adding Backend as S3 for Remote State Storage
  backend "s3" { }  

Step-02-02: Create file named dev.conf

bucket = "terraform-on-aws-for-ec2"
key    = "iacdevops/dev/terraform.tfstate"
region = "us-east-1" 
dynamodb_table = "iacdevops-dev-tfstate" 

Step-02-03: Create file named stag.conf

bucket = "terraform-on-aws-for-ec2"
key    = "iacdevops/stag/terraform.tfstate"
region = "us-east-1" 
dynamodb_table = "iacdevops-stag-tfstate" 

Step-02-04: Create S3 Bucket related folders for both environments for Terraform State Storage

  • Go to Services -> S3 -> terraform-on-aws-for-ec2
  • Create Folder iacdevops
  • Create Folder iacdevops\dev
  • Create Folder iacdevops\stag

Step-02-05: Create DynamoDB Tables for Both Environments for Terraform State Locking

  • Create Dynamo DB Table for Dev Environment
    • Table Name: iacdevops-dev-tfstate
    • Partition key (Primary Key): LockID (Type as String)
    • Table settings: Use default settings (checked)
    • Click on Create
  • Create Dynamo DB Table for Staging Environment
    • Table Name: iacdevops-stag-tfstate
    • Partition key (Primary Key): LockID (Type as String)
    • Table settings: Use default settings (checked)
    • Click on Create

Step-03: Pipeline Build Out - Decisions

  • We have two options here.

Step-03-01: Option-1: Create separate folders per environment and have same TF Config files (c1 to c13) maintained per environment

  • More work as we need to manage many environment related configs
  • Dev - C1 to C13 - Approximate 30 files
  • QA - C1 to C13 - Approximate 30 files
  • Stg - C1 to C13 - Approximate 30 files
  • Prd - C1 to C13 - Approximate 30 files
  • DR - C1 to C13 - Approximate 30 files
  • Close to 150 files you need to manage changes.
  • For critical projects which you want to isolate as above, Terraform also recommends this approach but its all case to case basis on the environment we have built, skill level and organization level standards.

Step-03-02: Option-2: Create only 1 folder and leverage same C1 to C13 files (approx 30 files) across environments.

  • Only 30 files to manage across Dev, QA, Staging, Production and DR environments.
  • We are going to take this option-2 and build the pipeline for Dev and Staging environments

Step-04: Merge and

  • Merge and to environment specific .tfvars example dev.tfvars and stag.tfvats
  • Also don't provide .auto. in dev.tfvars or stag.tfvars if we want to leverage same TF Config files across environmets.
  • We are going to pass the .tfvars file as -var-file argument to terraform apply command
terraform apply -input=false -var-file=dev.tfvars -auto-approve  

Step-04-01: dev.tfvars

# Environment
environment = "dev"
# VPC Variables
vpc_name = "myvpc"
vpc_cidr_block = ""
vpc_availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]
vpc_public_subnets = ["", "", ""]
vpc_private_subnets = ["", "", ""]
vpc_database_subnets= ["", "", ""]
vpc_create_database_subnet_group = true 
vpc_create_database_subnet_route_table = true   
vpc_enable_nat_gateway = true  
vpc_single_nat_gateway = true

# EC2 Instance Variables
instance_type = "t3.micro"
instance_keypair = "terraform-key"
private_instance_count = 2

Step-04-01: stag.tfvars

# Environment
environment = "stag"
# VPC Variables
vpc_name = "myvpc"
vpc_cidr_block = ""
vpc_availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]
vpc_public_subnets = ["", "", ""]
vpc_private_subnets = ["", "", ""]
vpc_database_subnets= ["", "", ""]
vpc_create_database_subnet_group = true 
vpc_create_database_subnet_route_table = true   
vpc_enable_nat_gateway = true  
vpc_single_nat_gateway = true

# EC2 Instance Variables
instance_type = "t3.micro"
instance_keypair = "terraform-key"
private_instance_count = 2
  • Remove / Delete the following two files

Step-05: terraform.tfvars

  • terraform.tfvars which autoloads for all environment creations will have only generic variables.
# Generic Variables
aws_region = "us-east-1"
business_divsion = "hr"

Step-06: Remove local-exec Provisioners


  • Remove Local Exec Provisioner which is not applicable in CodePipeline -> CodeBuild case.
## Local Exec Provisioner:  local-exec provisioner (Creation-Time Provisioner - Triggered during Create Resource)
 provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "echo VPC created on `date` and VPC ID: ${module.vpc.vpc_id} >> creation-time-vpc-id.txt"
    working_dir = "local-exec-output-files/"
    #on_failure = continue
  • Remove the folder local-exec-output-files


  • Remove Local Exec Provisioner which is not applicable in CodePipeline -> CodeBuild case.
## Local Exec Provisioner:  local-exec provisioner (Destroy-Time Provisioner - Triggered during deletion of Resource)
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "echo Destroy time prov `date` >> destroy-time-prov.txt"
    working_dir = "local-exec-output-files/"
    when = destroy
    #on_failure = continue

Step-07: To Support Multiple Environments


# Before
  name = "public-bastion-sg"  
# After
  name = "${}-public-bastion-sg"


# Before
  name = "private-sg"
# After
  name = "${local-name}-private-sg"  


# Before
  name = "loadbalancer-sg"
# After
  name = "${}-loadbalancer-sg"  

Step-07-04: Create Variable for DNS Name to support multiple environments


# DNS Name Input Variable
variable "dns_name" {
  description = "DNS Name to support multiple environments"
  type = string   


# DNS Registration 
resource "aws_route53_record" "apps_dns" {
  zone_id = data.aws_route53_zone.mydomain.zone_id 
  name    = var.dns_name 
  type    = "A"
  alias {
    name                   = module.alb.lb_dns_name
    zone_id                = module.alb.lb_zone_id
    evaluate_target_health = true

Step-07-04-03: dev.tfvars

# DNS Name
dns_name = ""

Step-07-04-04: stag.tfvars

# DNS Name
dns_name = ""


  • In your case, the domain names will change as per this step.
# Before
  subject_alternative_names = [

# After
  subject_alternative_names = [


# Before
  name = "my-launch-template"
# After
  name_prefix = "${}-"


# Before
  tag_specifications {
    resource_type = "instance"
    tags = {
      Name = "myasg"
# After
  tag_specifications {
    resource_type = "instance"
    tags = {
      #Name = "myasg"
      Name =


# Before
  name_prefix = "myasg-"
# After
  name_prefix = "${}-"  


# Before
  name = "avg-cpu-policy-greater-than-xx"
  name = "alb-target-requests-greater-than-yy"
# After
  name = "${}-avg-cpu-policy-greater-than-xx"
  name = "${}-alb-target-requests-greater-than-yy"  

Step-08: Create Secure Parameters in Parameter Store


  • Go to Services -> Systems Manager -> Application Management -> Parameter Store -> Create Parameter
    • Name: /CodeBuild/MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
    • Descritpion: My AWS Access Key ID for Terraform CodePipeline Project
    • Tier: Standard
    • Type: Secure String
    • Rest all defaults


  • Go to Services -> Systems Manager -> Application Management -> Parameter Store -> Create Parameter
    • Name: /CodeBuild/MY_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
    • Descritpion: My AWS Secret Access Key for Terraform CodePipeline Project
    • Tier: Standard
    • Type: Secure String
    • Rest all defaults
    • Value: abcdefxjkdklsa55dsjlkdjsakj

Step-09: buildspec-dev.yml

  • Discuss about following Environment variables we are going to pass
    • which version of terraform codebuild should use
    • As on today 0.15.3 is latest we will use that
    • We will use apply to create resources
    • We will use destroy in CodeBuild Environment
    • AWS Access Key ID is safely stored in Parameter Store
    • AWS Secret Access Key is safely stored in Parameter Store
version: 0.2

    TF_COMMAND: "apply"
    #TF_COMMAND: "destroy"

      python: 3.7
    on-failure: ABORT       
      - tf_version=$TERRAFORM_VERSION
      - unzip terraform_"$TERRAFORM_VERSION"
      - mv terraform /usr/local/bin/
    on-failure: ABORT     
      - echo terraform execution started on `date`            
    on-failure: ABORT   
    # Project-1: AWS VPC, ASG, ALB, Route53, ACM, Security Groups and SNS 
      - cd "$CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/terraform-manifests"
      - ls -lrt "$CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/terraform-manifests"
      - terraform --version
      - terraform init -input=false --backend-config=dev.conf
      - terraform validate
      - terraform plan -lock=false -input=false -var-file=dev.tfvars           
      - terraform $TF_COMMAND -input=false -var-file=dev.tfvars -auto-approve  
    on-failure: CONTINUE   
      - echo terraform execution completed on `date`         

Step-10: buildspec-stag.yml

version: 0.2

    TF_COMMAND: "apply"
    #TF_COMMAND: "destroy"

      python: 3.7
    on-failure: ABORT       
      - tf_version=$TERRAFORM_VERSION
      - unzip terraform_"$TERRAFORM_VERSION"
      - mv terraform /usr/local/bin/
    on-failure: ABORT     
      - echo terraform execution started on `date`            
    on-failure: ABORT   
    # Project-1: AWS VPC, ASG, ALB, Route53, ACM, Security Groups and SNS 
      - cd "$CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/terraform-manifests"
      - ls -lrt "$CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/terraform-manifests"
      - terraform --version
      - terraform init -input=false --backend-config=stag.conf
      - terraform validate
      - terraform plan -lock=false -input=false -var-file=stag.tfvars           
      - terraform $TF_COMMAND -input=false -var-file=stag.tfvars -auto-approve  
    on-failure: CONTINUE   
      - echo terraform execution completed on `date`

# Change Directory
cd demo-repos

# Execute Git Clone
git clone

# Copy all files from Section-22 Git-Repo-Files folder
1. Source Folder Path: 22-IaC-DevOps-using-AWS-CodePipeline/Git-Repo-Files
2. Copy all files from Source Folder to Destination Folder
3. Destination Folder Path: demo-repos/terraform-iacdevops-with-aws-codepipeline

# Verify Git Status
git status

# Git Commit
git commit -am "First Commit"

# Push files to Remote Repository
git push

# Verify same on Remote Repository

Step-12: Verify if AWS Connector for GitHub already installed on your Github

Step-13: Create Github Connection from AWS Developer Tools

  • Go to Services -> CodePipeline -> Create Pipeline
  • In Developer Tools -> Click on Settings -> Connections -> Create Connection
  • Select Provider: Github
  • Connection Name: terraform-iacdevops-aws-cp-con1
  • Click on Connect to Github
  • GitHub Apps: Click on Install new app
  • It should redirect to github page Install AWS Connector for GitHub
  • Only select repositories: terraform-iacdevops-with-aws-codepipeline
  • Click on Install
  • Click on Connect
  • Verify Connection Status: It should be in Available state
  • Go to below url and verify
  • URL:
  • You should see Install AWS Connector for GitHub app installed

Step-14: Create AWS CodePipeline

  • Go to Services -> CodePipeline -> Create Pipeline

Pipeline settings

  • Pipeline Name: tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1
  • Service role: New Service Role
  • rest all defaults
    • Artifact store: Default Location
    • Encryption Key: Default AWS Managed Key
  • Click Next

Source Stage

  • Source Provider: Github (Version 2)
  • Connection: terraform-iacdevops-aws-cp-con1
  • Repository name: terraform-iacdevops-with-aws-codepipeline
  • Branch name: main
  • Change detection options: leave to defaults as checked
  • Output artifact format: leave to defaults as CodePipeline default

Add Build Stage

  • Build Provider: AWS CodeBuild
  • Region: N.Virginia
  • Project Name: Click on Create Project
    • Project Name: codebuild-tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1
    • Description: CodeBuild Project for Dev Stage of IAC DevOps Terraform Demo
    • Environment image: Managed Image
    • Operating System: Amazon Linux 2
    • Runtimes: Standard
    • Image: latest available today (aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:3.0)
    • Environment Type: Linux
    • Service Role: New (leave to defaults including Role Name)
    • Build specifications: use a buildspec file
    • Buildspec name - optional: buildspec-dev.yml (Ensure that this file is present in root folder of your github repository)
    • Rest all leave to defaults
    • Click on Continue to CodePipeline
  • Project Name: This value should be auto-populated with codebuild-tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1
  • Build Type: Single Build
  • Click Next

Add Deploy Stage

  • Click on Skip Deploy Stage

Review Stage

  • Click on Create Pipeline

Step-15: Verify the Pipeline created

  • Verify Source Stage: Should pass
  • Verify Build Stage: should fail with error
  • Verify Build Stage logs by clicking on details in pipeline screen
[Container] 2021/05/11 06:24:06 Waiting for agent ping
[Container] 2021/05/11 06:24:09 Waiting for DOWNLOAD_SOURCE
[Container] 2021/05/11 06:24:09 Phase is DOWNLOAD_SOURCE
[Container] 2021/05/11 06:24:09 CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR=/codebuild/output/src851708532/src
[Container] 2021/05/11 06:24:09 YAML location is /codebuild/output/src851708532/src/buildspec-dev.yml
[Container] 2021/05/11 06:24:09 Processing environment variables
[Container] 2021/05/11 06:24:09 Decrypting parameter store environment variables
[Container] 2021/05/11 06:24:09 Phase complete: DOWNLOAD_SOURCE State: FAILED
[Container] 2021/05/11 06:24:09 Phase context status code: Decrypted Variables Error Message: AccessDeniedException: User: arn:aws:sts::180789647333:assumed-role/codebuild-codebuild-tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1-service-role/AWSCodeBuild-97595edc-1db1-4070-97a0-71fa862f0993 is not authorized to perform: ssm:GetParameters on resource: arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:180789647333:parameter/CodeBuild/MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID

Step-16: Fix ssm:GetParameters IAM Role issues

Step-16-01: Get IAM Service Role used by CodeBuild Project

  • Get the IAM Service Role name CodeBuild Project is using
  • Go to CodeBuild -> codebuild-tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1 -> Edit -> Environment
  • Make a note of Service Role ARN
# CodeBuild Service Role ARN 

Step-16-02: Create IAM Policy with Systems Manager Get Parameter Read Permission

  • Go to Services -> IAM -> Policies -> Create Policy
  • Service: Systems Manager
  • Actions: Get Parameters (Under Read)
  • Resources: All
  • Click Next Tags
  • Click Next Review
  • Policy name: systems-manger-get-parameter-access
  • Policy Description: Read Parameters from Parameter Store in AWS Systems Manager Service
  • Click on Create Policy

Step-16-03: Associate this Policy to IAM Role

  • Go to Services -> IAM -> Roles -> Search for codebuild-codebuild-tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1-service-role
  • Attach the polic named systems-manger-get-parameter-access

Step-17: Re-run the CodePipeline

  • Go to Services -> CodePipeline -> tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1
  • Click on Release Change
  • Verify Source Stage:
    • Should pass
  • Verify Build Stage:
    • Verify Build Stage logs by clicking on details in pipeline screen
    • Verify Cloudwatch -> Log Groups logs too (Logs saved in CloudWatch for additional reference)

Step-18: Verify Resources

  1. Confirm SNS Subscription in your email
  2. Verify EC2 Instances
  3. Verify Launch Templates (High Level)
  4. Verify Autoscaling Group (High Level)
  5. Verify Load Balancer
  6. Verify Load Balancer Target Group - Health Checks
  7. Access and Test
# Access and Test

Step-19: Add Approval Stage before deploying to staging environment

  • Go to Services -> AWS CodePipeline -> tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1 -> Edit

Add Stage

  • Name: Email-Approval

Add Action Group

  • Action Name: Email-Approval
  • Action Provider: Manual Approval
  • SNS Topic: Select SNS Topic from drop down
  • Comments: Approve to deploy to staging environment

Step-20: Add Staging Environment Deploy Stage

  • Go to Services -> AWS CodePipeline -> tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1 -> Edit

Add Stage

  • Name: Stage-Deploy

Add Action Group

  • Action Name: Stage-Deploy
  • Region: US East (N.Virginia)
  • Action Provider: AWS CodeBuild
  • Input Artifacts: Source Artifact
  • Project Name: Click on Create Project
    • Project Name: stage-deploy-tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1
    • Description: CodeBuild Project for Staging Environment of IAC DevOps Terraform Demo
    • Environment image: Managed Image
    • Operating System: Amazon Linux 2
    • Runtimes: Standard
    • Image: latest available today (aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:3.0)
    • Environment Type: Linux
    • Service Role: New (leave to defaults including Role Name)
    • Build specifications: use a buildspec file
    • Buildspec name - optional: buildspec-stag.yml (Ensure that this file is present in root folder of your github repository)
    • Rest all leave to defaults
    • Click on Continue to CodePipeline
  • Project Name: This value should be auto-populated with stage-deploy-tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1
  • Build Type: Single Build
  • Click on Done
  • Click on Save

Step-21: Update the IAM Role

  • Update the IAM Role created as part of this stage-deploy-tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1 CodeBuild project by adding the policy systems-manger-get-parameter-access1

Step-22: Run the Pipeline

  • Go to Services -> AWS CodePipeline -> tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1
  • Click on Release Change
  • Verify Source Stage
  • Verify Build Stage (Dev Environment - Dev Depploy phase)
  • Verify Manual Approval Stage - Approve the change
  • Verify Stage Deploy Stage
    • Verify build logs

Step-23: Verify Staging Environment

  1. Confirm SNS Subscription in your email
  2. Verify EC2 Instances
  3. Verify Launch Templates (High Level)
  4. Verify Autoscaling Group (High Level)
  5. Verify Load Balancer
  6. Verify Load Balancer Target Group - Health Checks
  7. Access and Test
# Access and Test

Step-24: Make a change and test the entire pipeline


  • Increase minimum EC2 Instances from 2 to 3
# Before
  desired_capacity = 2
  max_size = 10
  min_size = 2
# After
  desired_capacity = 4
  max_size = 10
  min_size = 4

Step-24-02: Commit Changes via Git Repo

# Verify Changes
git status

# Commit Changes to Local Repository
git add .
git commit -am "ASG Min Size from 2 to 4"

# Push changes to Remote Repository
git push

Step-24-03: Review Build Logs

  • Go to Services -> CodePipeline -> tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1
  • Verify Dev Deploy Logs
  • Approve at Manual Approval stage
  • Verify Stage Deploy Logs

Step-24-04: Verify EC2 Instances

  • Go to Services -> EC2 Instances
  • Newly created instances should be visible.
  • hr-dev: 4 EC2 Instances
  • hr-stag: 4 EC2 Instances

Step-25: Destroy Resources

Step-25-01: Update buildspec-dev.yml

# Before
    TF_COMMAND: "apply"
    #TF_COMMAND: "destroy"
# After
    #TF_COMMAND: "apply"
    TF_COMMAND: "destroy"    

Step-25-02: Update buildspec-stag.yml

# Before
    TF_COMMAND: "apply"
    #TF_COMMAND: "destroy"
# After
    #TF_COMMAND: "apply"
    TF_COMMAND: "destroy"    

Step-25-03: Commit Changes via Git Repo

# Verify Changes
git status

# Commit Changes to Local Repository
git add .
git commit -am "Destroy Resources"

# Push changes to Remote Repository
git push

Step-25-03: Review Build Logs

  • Go to Services -> CodePipeline -> tf-iacdevops-aws-cp1
  • Verify Dev Deploy Logs
  • Approve at Manual Approval stage
  • Verify Stage Deploy Logs

Step-26: Change Everything back to original Demo State


  • Change them back to original state
# Before
  desired_capacity = 4
  max_size = 10
  min_size = 4
# After
  desired_capacity = 2
  max_size = 10
  min_size = 2

Step-26-02: buildspec-dev.yml and buildspec-stag.yml

  • Change them back to original state
# Before
    #TF_COMMAND: "apply"
    TF_COMMAND: "destroy"   
# After
    TF_COMMAND: "apply"
    #TF_COMMAND: "destroy"     

Step-26-03: Commit Changes via Git Repo

# Verify Changes
git status

# Commit Changes to Local Repository
git add .
git commit -am "Fixed all the changes back to demo state"

# Push changes to Remote Repository
git push



This repository contains CodeBuild scripts to run infrastructure as code using Terraform on AWS, with configurations for the development (dev) and staging (stag) environments.







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