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impartial is a lightweight extension of functools.partial that allows modifying positional and keyword arguments in a functional style.

The main idea is that any function wrapped with impartial gets a method with_<keyword>(value) for every keyword argument of that function. Each with_<keyword>(value) method returns a new impartial function with that keyword being modified.

>>> from impartial import impartial
>>> @impartial
... def power(x, exponent):
...     return x ** exponent
>>> power
impartial(<function power at 0x10d54e790>)
>>> square = power.with_exponent(2) # behaves like functools.partial(square, exponent=2)
>>> square
impartial(<function power at 0x10d54e790>, exponent=2)
>>> square(3)


  • the with_<keyword>(value) methods can be arbitrarily chained
  • impartial functions are immutable: any "modification" of arguments returns a new impartial function
  • very lightweight (~50 LOC and no dependencies)
  • fully compatible with functools.partial (impartial is a subclass of functools.partial)
  • can be used as a decorator

To install this package, run:

pip install impartial


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