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Experiments with custom firmware for e.ziclean cube robot vacuum cleaner

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Experiments with custom firmware for E.ZICLEAN CUBE robot vacuum cleaner.

Quick start guide


Build firmware

Build experimental firmware images based on stm32f1xx-hal:

$ cargo build --bins --release

Build stm32hal examples

Build examples based on stm32f1xx-hal:

$ cargo build --examples --release

Build stm32ral examples

Build examples based on stm32ral:

$ cargo build --features ral --no-default-features --examples


Flash using cargo-embed

Write example firmware to flash using cargo-embed subcommand:

$ cargo embed  --example example-hal-battery-charging flash

Flash using OpenOCD

There are two OpenOCD configuration scripts in tools directory: for ST-Link and Segger JLink. Those scripts include several pre-defined helper functions. The following command explains how to use OpenOCD to write firmware example to flash using ST-Link:

$ openocd -f tools/openocd-stlink.cfg -c 'flash_img target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/release/examples/example-hal-battery-charging'

Restore original e.ziclean firmware

The following commands restores original e.ziclean firmware:

$ openocd -f tools/openocd-stlink.cfg -c 'factory ()'


Currently RTT is used for logging purposes. All the logging code based on semi-hosting and ITM has been replaced by RTT. It is possible to view RTT logs using both cargo-embed and OpenOCD. Using cargo-embed is easier, but OpenOCD can do both RTT view and GDB debug at the same time.

View RTT using cargo-embed

Attach to RTT channels for the running firmware example:

$ cargo embed  --example example-hal-battery-charging

View RTT using OpenOCD

Attach OpenOCD to the target using ST-Link probe:

$ openocd -f tools/openocd-stlink.cfg -c 'attach ()'

Now attach to OpenOCD command console, configure RTT, check available RTT debug channels, and start OpenOCD RTT server for selected channel:

$ telnet localhost 4444
> rtt setup 0x20000000 0x2000 "SEGGER RTT"
> rtt start
rtt: Searching for control block 'SEGGER RTT'
rtt: Control block found at 0x20000000
> rtt channels
Channels: up=1, down=0
0: Terminal 1024 0
> rtt server  start 9000 0
Listening on port 9000 for rtt connections
accepting 'rtt' connection on tcp/9000

Finally connect to OpenOCD RTT server to view RTT log stream:

$ nc localhost 9000

Debug using OpenOCD

Default project runner is gdb. So OpenOCD gdb server can be used to run and debug firmware examples.

Attach OpenOCD to the target using ST-Link probe:

$ openocd -f tools/openocd-stlink.cfg -c 'attach ()'

Run selected firmware example. By default gdb will be used in conjunction with OpenOCD GDB server:

$ cargo run  --example example-hal-battery-charging
Loading section .vector_table, size 0x130 lma 0x8000000
Loading section .text, size 0x9244 lma 0x8000130
Loading section .rodata, size 0x1710 lma 0x8009374
Start address 0x08007f62, load size 43652
Transfer rate: 17 KB/sec, 8730 bytes/write.
halted: PC: 0x08007f64
halted: PC: 0x08007f66
510	    __pre_init();
(gdb) cont

Note that now OpenOCD command console can be opened and RTT logging can be configured.

Misc tools

Helpers based on cargo-make

Creation of several basic work scenarios have been automated using cargo-make subcommand:

  • Start tmux debug environment with jlink:
$ cargo make debug-stlink
  • Start tmux debug environment with jlink:
$ cargo make debug-jlink
  • Restore original factory firmware:
$ cargo make factory



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  • Microcontroller STM32f101VBT6
  • Accelerometer KXCJ9
  • 3 operational amplifiers LM324
  • Quad buffer/line driver 74HC125D
  • Display driver TM1668
  • One-channel touch sensor AT42QT1010
  • 4-serial-cell Li-Ion rechargeable batteries controlled by S-8254A battery protection IC

Hardware diagram

alt text


  • Accelerometer and display
    • GPIO for SCL/SDA/INT and DIO/STB/CLK respectively
    • note that devices connected to GPIO rather than to h/w I2C and SPI blocks, so GPIO bitbang is used
  • IR front/bottom sensors
    • GPIO to enable/disable IR LEDs
    • ADC to read IR diode voltage
  • Brush/pump motors
  • Wheel motors
    • PWM to control rotation speed
    • GPIO to control direction
    • ADC to control current consumption
  • Battery management circuit

Hardware investigation status

  • SWD debug port
  • 5 front infrared obstacle sensors
  • 3 bottom infrared floor sensors
  • infrared remote control: protocol and commands
  • dock station infrared beacons: protocol and commands
  • sensor button
  • display
  • beeper
  • accelerometer
  • 2 brush motors
  • pump motor
  • 2 wheel motors, their direction control and encoders
  • charger connector and presence detection
  • dock station connector and presence detection
  • battery presence detection
  • battery voltage control circuit
  • battery current control circuit
  • brush motors current control circuit
  • pump motor current control circuit
  • wheel motors current control circuit
  • battery charging circuit

Connector pinout

VDD (75) TMS/SWD (72) GND TDI (77) NTRST (90)
TX (68) RX (69) TDO/TRACESWO (89) TCK/SWCLK (76) NRST (14)

Runtime pin configuration


Pin Configuration Mapping Function
PA0 analog input ADC_IN0 NC ???
PA1 analog input ADC_IN1 battery voltage control
PA2 analog input ADC_IN2 battery charging current control
PA3 analog input ADC_IN3 NC ???
PA4 analog input ADC_IN4 IR diode of the left-center front sensor
PA5 analog input ADC_IN5 Connected to op-amp U5 (LM324): seems to be a current control circuitry of left wheel motor
PA6 analog input ADC_IN6 IR diode of the center-center front sensor
PA7 analog input ADC_IN7 IR diode of the central floor sensor
PA8 floating input
PA9 floating input J31 (TX)
PA10 floating input J31 (RX)
PA11 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull TM1668 STB
PA12 floating input
PA13 input with pull-up/pull-down J31 (SWDIO)
PA14 input with pull-up/pull-down J31 (SWCLK)
PA15 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull J31 (TDI)


Pin Configuration Mapping Function
PB0 analog input ADC_IN8 IR diode of the right-right front sensor
PB1 analog input ADC_IN9 IR diode of the right floor sensor
PB2 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull KXCJ9 SDA
PB3 floating input TDO/TRACESWO pin on J31
PB4 alternate function output (50MHz) push-pull TIM3_CH1 pump motor: must remap AFIO/SWJ_CFG since default configuration of PB4 is NJTRST
PB5 alternate function output (50MHz) push-pull TIM3_CH2 all 3 brushes
PB6 alternate function output (50MHz) push-pull TIM4_CH1 left wheel reverse speed (TIM4/PWM via 74HC125D 2A)
PB7 alternate function output (50MHz) push-pull TIM4_CH2 left wheel forward speed (TIM4/PWM via 74HC125D 1A)
PB8 alternate function output (50MHz) push-pull TIM4_CH3 right wheel forward speed (TIM4/PWM via 74HC125D 4A)
PB9 alternate function output (50MHz) push-pull TIM4_CH4 right wheel reverse speed (TIM4/PWM via 74HC125D 3A)
PB10 alternate function output (50MHz) push-pull TIM2_CH3 PWM for battery charging
PB11 general purpose output (50MHz) open-drain right wheel reverse control
PB12 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull SPI2_NSS for U12 (non-populated)
PB13 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull SPI2_SCK for U12 (non-populated)
PB14 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull SPI2_MISO for U12 (non-populated)
PB15 floating input SPI2_MOSI for U12 (non-populated)


Pin Configuration Mapping Function
PC0 analog input ADC_IN10 IR diode of the left-left front sensor
PC1 analog input ADC_IN11 IR diode of the left floor sensor
PC2 analog input ADC_IN12 Current control for brush motors
PC3 analog input ADC_IN13 Current control for air pump motor
PC4 analog input ADC_IN14 Connected to op-amp U6 (LM324): seems to be a current control circuitry of right wheel motor
PC5 analog input ADC_IN15 IR diode of the right-center front sensor
PC6 floating input
PC7 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull IR LEDs of all 5 front IR obstacle sensors
PC8 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull TM1668 CLK
PC9 .. PC10 floating input
PC11 floating input RC IR: left diode
PC12 floating input IR diode in left motor optical incremental encoder
PC13 .. PC15 floating input


Pin Configuration Mapping Function
PD0 floating input
PD1 floating input sensor button: AT42QT1010 output
PD2 general purpose output (50MHz) open-drain left wheel forward control
PD3 floating input
PD4 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull
PD5 general purpose output (50MHz) open-drain left wheel reverse control
PD6 .. PD8 floating input
PD9 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull IR LEDs of all 3 bottom IR floor sensors
PD10 floating input
PD11 floating input RC IR: front diode
PD12 floating input
PD13 general purpose output (50MHz) open-drain IR LEDs in optical incremental encoders for both main motors, active low
PD14 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull TM1668 DIO
PD15 floating input RC IR: top diode


Pin Configuration Mapping Function
PE0 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull Beeper
PE1 .. PE3 floating input NC ???
PE4 floating input charge connector detection
PE5 floating input charge dock station detection
PE6 floating input battery presence detection
PE7 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull KXCJ9 SCL
PE8 floating input IR diode in right motor optical incremental encoder
PE9 floating input KXCJ9 INT
PE10 floating input RC IR: right diode
PE11 floating input NC ???
PE12 general purpose output (50MHz) open-drain Enable power for IR RC left/front/right diodes (via R22 and Q7)
PE13 floating input NC ???
PE14 general purpose output (50MHz) open-drain right wheel forward control
PE15 general purpose output (50MHz) push-pull NC ???

From PCB investigation, it looks like SR-latch circuit is used for direction control to protect H-bridges for main motors.

Right motor direction is controlled by PE14 and PB11:

PE14 PB11 Direction
0 0 stop
1 0 reverse
0 1 forward
1 1 stop

Left motor direction is controlled by PD2 and PD5:

PD2 PD5 Direction
0 0 stop
1 0 reverse
0 1 forward
1 1 stop

From PCB investigation, schematics looks as follows: alt text

From PCB investigation, schematics looks as follows: alt text

From PCB investigation, schematics looks as follows: alt text

Schematics: TODO

Input GPIO pins and EXTI lines budget

Function GPIO EXTI line EXTI interrupt Comments
TOP IR RC diode PD15 EXTI15 EXTI15_10
Left IR RC diode PC11 EXTI11 EXTI15_10 Only one Px11 GPIO pin can be selected for EXTI11 line
Front IR RC diode PD11 EXTI11 EXTI15_10 Only one Px11 GPIO pin can be selected for EXTI11 line
Right IR RC diode PE10 EXTI10 EXTI15_10
Button PD1 EXTI1 EXTI1
Left wheel encoder PC12 EXTI12 EXTI15_10
Right wheel encoder PE8 EXTI8 EXTI9_5
Charger detect PE4 EXTI4 EXTI4
Dock detect PE5 EXTI5 EXTI9_5
Battery detect PE6 EXTI6 EXTI9_5

Note that left and front IR remote control diodes are connected to PC11 and PD11 respectively. As a result, both these GPIO lines are attached to the same EXTI11 line and only one of them can be selected as EXTI source.

IR controls

Remote Control commands

Logic analyzer capture of IR RC Edge button demodulated signal looks as follows: alt text

Capture in csv format is attached. This capture does not look like any of the common IR RC protocols, e.g. NEC, RC5, RC6. In fact, it looks like 1-wire protocol w/o initial reset/response phase. Following 1-wire conventions, consider short low level pulse as '1' and long low level pulse as '0'. As a result, the following table of key codes is obtained:

Function Name Code Comments
Button ON/OFF 0x1d
Button SCHED 0x4d
Button TIME 0x2d
Button UP 0x3d
Button DOWN 0x6d
Button LEFT 0x5d
Button RIGHT 0x7d
Button EDGE 0x5d same as LEFT
Button DOCK 0x1d same as ON/OFF
Button SPOT 0x6d same as DOWN
Button CLEAN 0x3d same as UP

If button on IR RC device is pressed and not released, then IR RC command is sent continuously, approximately 10-12 msec between two consequent transmissions. Here is a capture of demodulated signal: alt_text

Dock station beacons

Dock station sends beacons continuously, approximately ~32 msec between consequent beacons. Here is a capture of demodulated signal: alt_text

Dock uses the same protocol similar to 1-wire as IR RC device. Beacon code depends from viewing angle: alt_text


Status of firmware building blocks

Firmware diagram



Experiments with custom firmware for e.ziclean cube robot vacuum cleaner







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