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Linux, Nginx, PHP Docker image for Laravel apps!


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Repository files navigation - Linux, Nginx PHP (LEP) Docker Image

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📄 Description

LEP comes from the original LAMP stack which was based on Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. LEP is a docker-oriented alternative that uses Nginx in favor Apache and separates the MySQL dependency since it can be configured as a service using docker compose.

Note: This image is not meant for production use. It was designed to serve as an auxiliary image for development and testing environments.

🗃️ Included dependencies

  • Ubuntu Jammy
  • Node.js 20.x
  • Git
  • Nginx
  • PHP (7.4, 8.0, 8.1)
    • php-cli
    • php-curl
    • php-dev
    • php-fpm
    • php-gd
    • php-imap
    • php-mbstring
    • php-mysql
    • php-pgsql
    • php-readline
    • php-xml
    • php-zip

🔖 Relevant considerations

  • The default user for your web files should be www-data. If the permissions of your files are not properly set, you might end up with HTTP 403 errors from the web server.

🎯 How To Use

To use this image, you should set it as your base image using the FROM instruction:

FROM solucionesgbh/lep:${PHP_VERSION}

# Copy your app into the /app folder
COPY . .

# Install your dependencies
RUN composer install --no-interaction
RUN npm ci

# Configure your environment seetings
COPY --chown=www-data:www-data path/to/your/example/.env .env
COPY --chown=www-data:www-data path/to/your/example/local-config.php local-config.php

# Ensures permissions of the app folder are set to www-data
COPY --chown=www-data:www-data .

# Optional: Specify the supervisord command
# You can just leave this out and it will use the base image default
CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord", "--nodaemon", "-c", "/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf"]

🐳 Build your image

To build your custom image, on your terminal execute the following docker build command:

docker build . -t myapp:myversion

🚀 Run your app

To run your custom container, on your terminal execute the following docker run command:

docker run \
  --name myAppContainer \
  -p "${myPublishedPort}:80" \