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Release v2

No due date 84% complete

The new version, v2, is set to build upon the foundations laid by its predecessor, v1. While it will introduce new features and options, it will also remove certain elements and potentially cause some disruptions. The goal is to ensure that the new version is optimized for the year 2023 and beyond.

The primary focus of this release will be to incorporate …

The new version, v2, is set to build upon the foundations laid by its predecessor, v1. While it will introduce new features and options, it will also remove certain elements and potentially cause some disruptions. The goal is to ensure that the new version is optimized for the year 2023 and beyond.

The primary focus of this release will be to incorporate newer CSS options that were not available in v1 due to limited browser support or the spec not yet being fully developed. However, this will require dropping support for Safari 13 in order to utilize the :where selector. Fallback options similar to the @layer implementation will be added to mitigate any potential issues.

In addition, some Fylgja Components will be transformed into CSS token packages or merged with the utilpack. The utilpack itself will become a more comprehensive Fylgja Component with its own unique features, utilizing the : separator for media and container queries as a default.

Of course, users will have the option to revert back to previous versions if needed.