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This repo aims to dynamically and simply generate tokens in Token Based systems.


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Token Generator for .Net

CodeFactor .NET Core License: MIT CircleCI Nuget Nuget Maintainability

Heeey, This repo aims to dynamically and simply generate tokens in Token Based systems. Follow me;

  • Turn on your computer.
  • Prepare your coffee.
  • And sit back.

What is Authentication?

Authentication is the set of processes that try to recognize the user on the system with information such as User Name, Password, Email or Phone Number.

Single Factor Authentication

This method, which we use quite often in daily life, will be sufficient for the user to enter the password corresponding to any information in order to navigate in the system.

Two Factor Authentication

With this method, a more secure authentication is achieved by requesting another information that can only be accessed by the user in addition to User Name and Password information. An example is the confirmation code that is used in daily life in banks and comes as an SMS after login.

What is Token Based Authentication?

A token is a piece of data that has no meaning or use on its own, but combined with the correct tokenization system, becomes a vital player in securing your application. Token based authentication works by ensuring that each request to a server is accompanied by a signed token which the server verifies for authenticity and only then responds to the request.

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained method for securely transmitting information between parties encoded as a JSON object. JWT has gained mass popularity due to its compact size which allows tokens to be easily transmitted via query strings, header attributes and within the body of a POST request.

Getting Started

Install EasyTokenGenerator from Nuget.

Startup.cs Configuration

services.AddEasyJwtToken(options =>
      Configuration.Bind(nameof(JwtBearerOptions), options);
      options.SecurityKey = Configuration.GetValue<string>("SecurityKey");


Get the IJwtTokenGenerator interface from the Constructor.

private readonly IJwtTokenService jwtTokenService;

public AccountController(IJwtTokenService jwtTokenService)
      this.jwtTokenService = jwtTokenService;

Generate Claims

var claims = await jwtTokenService.GenerateClaimsAsync(new List<Jwt.Models.ClaimDto>()
    new Jwt.Models.ClaimDto()
        Type = "Email",
        Value = "[email protected]"

Generate Jwt Token

var jwtToken = await jwtTokenService.GenerateJwtTokenAsync(claims, Jwt.Models.Algorithms.HmacSha256Signature);

Easy Token Generator supported Security Algorithms. Look.

public enum Algorithms

Generate Refresh Token

await jwtTokenService.GenerateRefreshTokenAsync(size:64)


Claims Extensions

public static Claim GetClaim(this IEnumerable<Claim> claims, string claimType)
            => claims?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == claimType);
// Usage
var claim = User.Claims.GetClaim("Email");
public static string GetClaimValue(this IEnumerable<Claim> claims, string claimType)
            => claims?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == claimType)?.Value;
// Usage
var claimValue = User.Claims.GetClaimValue("Email");
public static IEnumerable<Claim> GetClaims(this IEnumerable<Claim> claims, string claimType)
            =>claims?.Where(x => x.Type == claimType);
// Usage
var claims = User.Claims.GetClaims("Email");
public static string GetEmail(this IEnumerable<Claim> claims)
            => claims.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.Email)?.Value;
// Usage
var email = User.Claims.GetEmail();
public static string GetGivenName(this IEnumerable<Claim> claims)
            => claims.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.GivenName)?.Value;
// Usage
var givenName = User.Claims.GetGivenName();
public static string GetExpiration(this IEnumerable<Claim> claims)
            => claims.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.Expiration)?.Value;
// Usage
var expiration = User.Claims.GetExpiration();

You can look at the demo