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neOCampus-arduino | home of the neOSensor end-devices


This repository provides support for the following neOCampus boards:

  • neOSensor boards based on ESP32
  • neOSensor-AirQuality board (ESP32) from CNRS' LCC lab.
  • neOSensor boards based on ESP8266 (rev. >= V2)

All this work was undertaken at Université Toulouse 3 / IRIT laboratory in the context of the neOCampus operation.


neOSensor boards

neOSensor first boards releases were based on esp8266. Nowadays, we added support for esp32 and CubeCell devices :)

We added support to our neOCampus IoT management infrastructure named sensOCampus to enable a central configuration for all of our neOSensor boards; these boards will then be able to publish their data to our infrastructure and to have those data stored in our databases.

neOSensor-AirQuality board

This board comes from CNRS LCC lab, it's a PhD work undertaken by Aymen Sendi ([email protected]). The board features four specific sensors able to measure NO2, CO, CH20, NO2 alternate.

Getting started

First of all, you ought to install esp32, esp8266 or CubeCell support in your Arduino IDE (IDE version <2).

Device Release Arduino Board Manager json file
esp8266 3.1.2
esp32 2.0.11
CubeCell latest
stm32 latest

Then, run script ./ and boards will get added to your Arduino boards list :)

If not already installed, you'll need python-serial package; thus either you install it at the system level

[fedora] dnf -y install python3-pyserial
[ubuntu] apt-get -y install python3-serial python-is-python3

Once you've launched the Arduino IDE, before compiling and uploading sketches to your board, you need to undertake the following steps:

  • @preferences --> set your Arduino sketchbook to `~/neOCampus-arduino/neosensor' ... this will lead to proper libraries
  • either select boards 'ESP32 arduino' --> 'neOSensor' or 'neOSensor-AirQuality' or select board 'ESP8266 arduino' --> 'neOSensor'
  • compile and upload :)
  • debug serial link speed 115200

WiFi setup

Only for ESP based boards.

Once started, the board will provides a WiFi Access Point (AP) named: neOSensor_xxxx where xxxx are the MAC address last bytes.

First time setup
In this case, AP will get available for 5mn for you to configure SSID along with WPA2 key. So you'll have to search with your smartphone for this peucliar AP, and then connect. In case automatic redirection does not work, open a browser with http:

Changing WiFi setup
Once WiFi has been set, on each reboot, the neOSensor AP will get available for 50s in order for you to tweak some parameters ... or to change the WiFi it connects to.

Reset whole configuration
To erase all of the previously set parameters (including WiFi settings), press the RST button for 10s when powering the device.

Create branch | development of a new feature

In order to work on a new feature, best is to create a new branch that will get merged later during a pull request

git switch -C feature-xxxxx

For first commit:

git push --set-upstream origin feature-xxxxx

... then ./ on subsequent commits

Merge branch | integration of an existing feature

After having successfully completed yout feature, you need to create a pull request to get your code integrated into the main branch:

git branch
git checkout master
git merge feature-xxxxx

In the end, you can delete your local branch: git branch -d feature-xxxxx