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Multiple-move Epd Analyzer

Analyzes epd file having multiple solution moves with points and generates text and html output files.

Sample output

Sample html output.


Command line

python --engine ".\engines\Deuterium_v2019.1.36.50_x64_pop.exe" ^
--name "Deuterium v2019.1.36.50" --hash 256 ^
--rating 2773 --protocol uci --epd Openings200-mea.epd --movetime 1000 ^
--output Openings200-mea.txt --log

Dependent modules


Run using the source

Run using exe file

Just download the exe file in Release link

Getting started

  • Example command line
    Run uci engine at 1s per position.
python --engine ".\engines\Deuterium_v2019.1.36.50_x64_pop.exe" --name "Deuterium v2019.1.36.50" --epd ".\epd\openings200-mea.epd" --hash 256 --movetime 1000 --log
  • Output files
  1. log output file will be moved to log folder
  2. epd output file will be moved to epd_out folder
  3. html file
  • Help
usage: [-h] -i EPD [-o OUTPUT] -e ENGINE [--eoption EOPTION] -n NAME [-t THREADS] [-m HASH] [-a MOVETIME] [-r RATING] [-p PROTOCOL] [-s {0,1}] [--stmode {0,1}] [--protover {1,2}] [--infinite] [--log] [--runenginefromcwd]

Analyzes epd file having multiple solution moves with points

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i EPD, --epd EPD     input epd filename
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        text output filename for result, default=mea_results.txt
  -e ENGINE, --engine ENGINE
                        engine filename
  --eoption EOPTION     uci engine option, --eoption "contempt=true, Futility Pruning=false, pawn value=120"
  -n NAME, --name NAME  engine name
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Threads or cores to be used by the engine, default=1.
  -m HASH, --hash HASH  Hash in MB to be used by the engine, default=64.
  -a MOVETIME, --movetime MOVETIME
                        Analysis time in milliseconds, 1s = 1000ms, default=500
  -r RATING, --rating RATING
                        You may input a rating for this engine, this will be shown in the output file, default=2500
  -p PROTOCOL, --protocol PROTOCOL
                        engine protocol [uci/xboard], default=uci
  -s {0,1}, --san {0,1}
                        for xboard engine, set this to 1 if it will send a move in san format, default=0
  --stmode {0,1}        for xboard engines, set this to 0 if it does not support st command, default=1
  --protover {1,2}      for xboard engines, this is protocol version number, default=2
  --infinite            Run uci engine with go infinite
  --log                 Records engine and analyzer output to [engine name]_[movetime]_log.txt
  --runenginefromcwd    Run engine from mea folder

MEA v0.8.0
