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A command-line application to manage a FRμIT federated cluster.

To Install


  • Python (>= 2.7 or >= 3.3)
  • Pip

fruit-cli can be installed using pip simply by invoking:

pip install fruit-cli

To upgrade to a newer version, you can invoke:

pip install -U fruit-cli

To install from source code:

git clone
cd fruit-cli
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Registering an account

The FRμIT management service uses the Ed25519 signature scheme to authenticate users and nodes with the management server.

To register an account, you will need an Ed25519 key.

Alternatively, you can use an existing account.

Step 1: Generate a key

You can use a new or existing Ed25519 SSH key or a new or existing Ed25519 OpenBSD signify key.

To generate a fresh SSH key:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ssh-key-for-fruit

This will create files ssh-key-for-fruit and in the current directory, holding your new secret key and its corresponding public key, respectively. Supply a different path to the -f option to alter this behaviour.

Alternatively, to generate a fresh signify key:

signify -G -s signify-key-for-fruit.sec -p

This will create files signify-key-for-fruit.sec and in the current directory, holding your new secret key and its corresponding public key, respectively. Supply different paths to the -s and -p options to alter this behaviour. (The signify command-line tool may be called signify-openbsd on systems such as Debian linux.)

Step 1b (optional): Add your key to ssh-agent

If you chose to use an SSH key to authenticate with FRμIT, you may choose to add the key to your ssh-agent.

This will allow you to use fruit-cli without having to enter your passphrase for each command.

To do this, ensure your SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable is set correctly per the ssh-agent documentation, and then run

ssh-add ssh-key-for-fruit

replacing the ssh-key-for-fruit filename with the correct path to your SSH secret key file if necessary.

Step 2: Register your account

Now that you have an Ed25519 key available, you may register your account with the server.

Use the fruit-cli account register command, supplying the path to your SSH or signify secret key using the -f option, and also supplying an email address that you have access to, e.g. fruit-cli account register [email protected] -f ssh-key-for-fruit

Step 3: Click the verification link

You will receive email at the address you specified in the previous step. Click the link it contains. After you do so, your account is ready to use.


fruit-cli node list

should successfully produce the empty list as output.

Using an existing account

Instead of registering an account, you can configure fruit-cli to make use of a previously-registered email address and Ed25519 key.

Create (or edit) your configuration file to contain a default identity containing the email address and Ed25519 key file you used previously to register your account:

    email: [email protected]
    secret-key-file: /PATH/TO/YOUR/ssh-ed25519-private-key-file

See below for more information on the possible contents of the configuration file.


The default path for the fruit-cli configuration file is ~/.fruit-cli. It is a YAML file which holds the login information to access the FRμIT management API.

It has two fields:

  • default_identity names the identity that fruit-cli will use unless overridden with the --identity command-line argument. If this field is not defined, then it is implicitly set to default.

  • identities is a dictionary, with each key naming an identity available to the user of fruit-cli. Each identity must itself be a dictionary, with two mandatory fields:

    • email, the account's email address (e.g. [email protected]).
    • public-key, a base64-encoded Ed25519 public key identifying the account.

    Each identity also must have one of two possible fields specifying the secret key corresponding to the account's public key, depending on the way the account was initially configured:

    • secret-key may contain either
      • an unprotected, base64-encoded, raw Ed25519 secret key; or
      • the contents of an SSH private key file; or
      • the contents of an OpenBSD signify secret key file
    • secret-key-file may contain a path to
      • an SSH or private key file containing an Ed25519 key
      • an OpenBSD signify secret key file

    Finally, there is one optional identity field:

    • server, which overrides the management server API endpoint to use (default:

If an SSH private key is used and SSH_AUTH_SOCK is correctly set, fruit-cli will use the SSH agent protocol to avoid needing to access the decrypted SSH private key directly.


  1. With SSH private key embedded in .fruit-cli:

        email: [email protected]
        public-key: Kr7zLRszjeJIFugU4emg3cRRkqwThzdWtdFgTNfWkwc=
        secret-key: |
          -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----
          -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----
  2. With SSH private key in the user's ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 file:

        email: [email protected]
        public-key: Kr7zLRszjeJIFugU4emg3cRRkqwThzdWtdFgTNfWkwc=
        secret-key-file: ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  3. With signify secret key embedded in .fruit-cli:

        email: [email protected]
        public-key: Q0VY79+tjrd7liUgd+gNPIwgKjEj9htLoTCrKK2ticU=
        secret-key: |
          untrusted comment: signify secret key
  4. With signify secret key in ~/.signify.sec:

        email: [email protected]
        public-key: Q0VY79+tjrd7liUgd+gNPIwgKjEj9htLoTCrKK2ticU=
        secret-key-file: ~/.signify.sec


Retrieving node monitor data

Use a tool like jq to filter the output from the node monitor subcommand. (You will need to supply the --json global flag to fruit-cli to use it with jq.)

  • fruit-cli node monitor --node pi123456 shows monitoring data of node with ID=pi123456.
  • fruit-cli --json node monitor | jq '.[].os.hostname' prints the hostname for each registered node.
  • fruit-cli node monitor --group foo shows monitoring data of nodes with hostname foo.
  • fruit-cli --json node monitor | jq '.[] | select( == "Glasgow").os.hostname' prints the hostname for each registered node located in Glasgow.

Starting containers

...on a specific node

fruit-cli container --node pi123 run -p 8080:80 --name nginx herry13/nginx:fruit

The above will run a container with name nginx and image herry13/nginx:fruit, on node pi123, where container's port 80 is mapped to host's port 8080 so that the Nginx service can be accessed externally.

...on all nodes

fruit-cli container run -p 8080:80 --name nginx herry13/nginx:fruit

As above, but on all registered nodes accessible to the active user.

...that need specific kernel modules, device-trees, and device-files

fruit-cli container --node pi123 run -p 8000:80 \
    --kernel-module i2c-dev \
    --device-tree i2c_arm=on \
    --device /dev/i2c-1 \
    --name bme280 \

The above will run a container with name bme280 and image herry13/fruit-bme280 on node pi123. Before running the container, i2c-dev kernel module must be loaded, i2c_arm=on device-tree overlay parameter must be applied, and /dev/i2c-1 device file must be bound to the container. Port 80 of the container is bound to host's port 8000.

See also the list of permitted device prefixes.

Command Summary

usage: fruit-cli [-h] [--config FILENAME] [--json] [--identity IDENTITY]
                 {help,account,node,container,key,admin} ...

Interface to the FRμIT management server API. Your configuration file is
/home/tonyg/dev/fruit/public/fruit-cli/debug-config-file. Override its
location with the FRUIT_CLI_CONFIG environment variable or the --config
command-line option.

positional arguments:
    help                Print help
    account             Account management
    node                Node management
    container           Container management
    key                 SSH key management
    admin               Actions for installation administrators

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config FILENAME, -c FILENAME
                        Supply an alternate configuration file
  --json                Produce output in JSON instead of YAML
  --identity IDENTITY   Select an alternate identity to use when
                        authenticating with the server

Limiting commands to selected nodes or node groups

Many of the subcommands below accept --filter and/or --node arguments, which select a subset of the user's registered nodes.

If option --node <nodeid> is given, the selected action will only include the node with the given ID.

The option --filter <jsonpointer> <operator> <value> limits the nodes selected to those matching the filter. The option can be repeated to further narrow down the selection.

  • Every node has some JSON data associated with it. For example, uploaded monitoring statistics appear under key "monitor". The jsonpointer (see RFC 6901, "JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Pointer") names a portion of this JSON data to examine. For example, the pointer /monitor/os/hostname retrieves the hostname uploaded by a node as part of its monitoring data.

  • The operator may be one of =, <, > or glob.

  • The value must be a JSON term, unless the operator is glob, in which case it is simple text with embedded * wildcards.

For example,

fruit-cli node list --filter /monitor/os/hostname = '"pi4440302f"'

will list nodes who believe their hostname to be pi4440302f. Note the use of single-quotes to protect the JSON string "pi4440302f" from the shell.

As another example,

fruit-cli node list --filter /monitor/os/hostname glob 'pi44*'

will list nodes who believe their hostname to be a string starting with pi44. Note the use of single-quotes to protect the embedded wildcard from the shell.

If a --node option and some --filter options are given, the logical AND of them all applies: only if the named node ID is within the filtered group will it be selected.

Account commands

usage: fruit-cli account [-h]
                         {help,register,config,public-key,token,delete} ...

positional arguments:
    help                Print help
    register            Register a new account
    config              Print current configuration settings
    info                Retrieve server-side account information
    public-key          Print account public key
    token               Print a fresh authentication token
    delete              Delete account

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Node commands

usage: fruit-cli node [-h] {help,list,monitor,reset} ...

positional arguments:
    help                Print help
    list                List (all or some) nodes
    monitor             Retrieve monitoring data from nodes
    reset               Deregister and reset a specific node

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Container commands

Management of containers is performed asynchronously. It commonly takes 5-10 minutes until a new container appears on or is removed from a set of nodes.

usage: fruit-cli container [-h] [--group NODEGROUP] [--node NODEID]
                           {help,run,list,remove} ...

positional arguments:
    help                Print help
    run                 Deploy containers to nodes
    list                List containers on nodes
    remove              Remove containers from nodes

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Node selection:
  --group NODEGROUP     Restrict operation to the named node group
  --node NODEID         Restrict operation to the named node

Key commands

Nodes may be accessed via SSH. These commands manipulate SSH keys allowed to access a user's nodes.

usage: fruit-cli key [-h] {help,add,list,remove} ...

positional arguments:
    help                Print help
    add                 Grant SSH key access to nodes
    list                List SSH keys with access to nodes
    remove              Delete SSH keys having access to nodes

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Admin commands

Administrators of the management system may access these functions.

usage: fruit-cli admin [-h] {help,account,node} ...

positional arguments:
    help               Print help
    account            Installation-wide account management
    node               Installation-wide node management

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit