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Web tool (with react frontend and go backend) to do rollbacks of Helm releases without the user necessarily having production access.

View the announcement blog post on Forto's Tech Blog


To work on the frontend, you want to run npm/yarn start in build/react-frontend

make build-frontend will build a production-ready copy of this into the web/react-frontend folder (gitignored)

docker build -f ./build/package/Dockerfile builds a docker image


Listens on port 8080

Requires a client-id and client-secret from google to allow logins. These are provided by the env vars HELM_ROLLBACK_WEB_GCP_CLIENT_ID and HELM_ROLLBACK_WEB_GCP_CLIENT_SECRET.

Helm command is configurable but defaults to helm, env var is HELM_ROLLBACK_WEB_HELM_COMMAND


  • Security Groups (Google Groups access is implemented, but not documented)
  • Stream the helm command output
  • Add service account


GPLv2 or Later.