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Procastinator Chrome Extension

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  • Author: Francisco Barrera
  • Version: 1.0.4
  • Language: JavaScript


Procastinator is an open-source Chrome extension designed to help you stay focused on your daily tasks while using WhatsApp Web. The extension aims to improve productivity by removing distractions, specifically the "stories" button, so you can maintain your focus and continue using WhatsApp for essential communication without getting sidetracked.


  • Removes the stories button from WhatsApp Web to reduce distractions.
  • Helps you stay focused on your tasks without the temptation of viewing contact stories.
  • Lightweight and unobtrusive, ensuring a seamless experience on WhatsApp Web.

How to Use

  1. Install the Procastinator Chrome Extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Open WhatsApp Web in your Chrome browser.
  3. Once the extension is active, the stories button will be removed from the WhatsApp interface.
  4. Enjoy a distraction-free WhatsApp experience and stay focused on your tasks.


Procastinator is an open-source project, and I welcome any contributions to enhance its functionality and usability. If you have any ideas for feature improvements or bug fixes, feel free to submit a pull request (PR). Together, we can make Procastinator even better!


At the moment, Procastinator is compatible with WhatsApp Web. As the project evolves, support for other platforms or additional features may be considered.


Procastinator is not affiliated with WhatsApp or any of its associated companies. It is an independent project developed by Francisco Barrera to improve productivity and focus for users of WhatsApp Web.


Procastinator is released under the MIT License, which allows you to use, modify, and distribute the code freely. Please refer to the LICENSE file for more details.


If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback about Procastinator, you can reach me via email at [email protected] or through GitHub's issue tracker.

Thank you for using Procastinator! Let's conquer procrastination together and stay productive!